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How Long the Librarians will suffer and be Exploited?

Dear Professionals
Yesterday one of my subbordinate raised the question that Why the Library professionals are being ignored in Private Institutions?I am professionaly attached in my field for last 12 years and today I have no answer of this question.I can blame only to the Library Associations,Governments,Private Institutes' Managements.But in reality what can we do for our profession so that we may get our Status & Grades.

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The matter raised is an important one, but what I personally feel is that apart from the resons mentioned for the miserable state of library professionals, it is basically the library professionals themselves who are to be blamed to some extent. for ex. after having masters in science we feel good but if we have LIS master degree we ourselves are not confident of ourselves wat to talk about others. Second thing is that instead of improving our professional, communication skills we start blaming the Institutions. Apart from this when we are subjected to professional harrassment, exploitation or ignored for our sincere efforts or not paid back properly-- how many of us have guts to stand up and speak for ourselves.. well I doubt very few. So as is famous that " Charity starts at home" similarly I would say that First we have to improve upon our professional skills and then instead of succumbing to the circumstances and getting depressed should come together so as to give resistance to the system which does not give due respect and remuneration to our profession. We can always work towards getting that status, the only need is the spark from within.

Our professional associations are still sleeping and to raise the voice of profession is the prime responsibilty of these bodies.

But ILA, IASLIC, Aitlis and other state library associations do not have interest. All the bodies are arranging conference, seminar and round table discussion and have a Tea Samosa Party and forget Library science and Library Professionals.

Very well said Dr. Pachauri ! New conferences, workshops, seminars but same old story. It can be noticed that in majority even the presentations are almost similar every time. Neither those who are presenting feel embarrassed nor  the ones attending,  make them feel so. Instead almost every seminar ends with a lot of expenditure with negligible results and many standing ovations most of them just for the sake of making others happy.

So to sum up what is most essentially required is sense of responsibility towards the profession so as to make it flourish, not just dragging it along. Help new comers come up with new ideas, accept the law of change and let LIS field grow instead of making it stagnant with efforts of maintaining monopoly. Dear professionals, please join this discussion, try to figure out ways for repairing the loss and to elevate the status of LIS professionals.


     I don't have much experience like you because of I yet to enter as a professional. I am the student of MLISc from DLIS, DU. But as I think for the problem like this is " we our selves are the most responsible"  We don't respect our profession as it deserves due to many reason.

As I mentioned above that I have lack of experience so please forgive me for any mistake.

                                                                                                   THANX A LOT                  

                                                                                                  MITHILESH KUMAR JHA

                                                                                                                           MLISC, DU

I think that its not the professional bodies to be blamed, its who we have to be blamed that we don't have any unity between our professionals. The professional bodies or the governing authority will only take it seriously, when we are serious about our profession.. As we all knew one that that how those B.Ed. people got job....Its time to come out... But whom i am speaking to, no one will leave their private jobs and stand unity for this profession.

Why  should we not blamed to professional bodies? All the regulatory authorities like AICTE, NCTE, CBSE, MCI etc are only concerned with the salary, pay structure and  service conditions of teaching staff . When these bodies provide  affiliation to any college, school, institute etc they do not concern about salary, pay structure and  service conditions of librarians. All the professional bodies like ILA, IASLIC and state library association should try to attract the attention of these regulatory bodies toward the profession and the problems of  salary, pay structure and  service conditions of librarians.

So how can you give clean chit to our professional bodies? These bodies are the only responsible for decline of profession.

with regards


This is serious issue sir, i don't know why we and our respected library Associations force the library legislation , i think we professionals meet and join for raise voice against this injustice .

As far as professionals bodies are concerned, they are also constituted of eminent professionals from the field only, who have been given responsibility of LIS field upliftment. associations are also bodies of people only.

But what happens is that only those people get elected who are at top most positions regardless of their interest in making postive changes in the profession. We are members of so many socities, associations, but when do the elections take place very few of us know?? If we want to give nominations when and whom should we approach, how many of us know this ? The ones who are willing to work are being sidelined,

 In this case the only option is to improve our professional knowledge and come together to question the activities of associations, bodies, institutions otherwise the monopoly wont end and changes will never ever take place.

Thanks all of you for ur comments but we have to well organize our professional association.I want to say all of you that think something about our profession that How can we make a plateform I think all LISLINK members should do the efforts.


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