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We need Library committee Report Model. anybody is havint that model Please attach.
We have Library Advisory Committe.
Librarian is the convener.
Principal, HODs, A faculty member from each department, AO are the members of the body.
Since the Library has to cater to the needs of variety of clientele such as faculty, prospective research scholars (after the University Status), and post graduate and under graduate students, institute administrators and non teaching institute staff. A wide range of subject fields are to be represented in our book stock with prime thrust for meeting the needs of students and faculty members. Besides this, for smooth functioning of the library and safe guarding the interest of all sections of the library users, formation of policies, rules & regulations and implementing the library policies in a judicious manner, an infrastructure is needed for the library.
To meet all the above objectives the Library is proposing the formation of Library Advisory Committee with the following constitution and representatives.
Constitution & Functions
(i) The committee shall consist of the following members:
(ii) In addition to the composition specified in (i) above, the Director may make an additional nomination to the Committee
(iii) The Chairman of the Committee shall be appointed by the Director. The tenure of the Chairman shall not exceed three years. : to be discussed
(iv) Faculty members on the Committee other than its Chairman shall serve on the Committee for two years. However, student-members shall serve for one year only.
(v) The Committee shall meet at-least four times in an academic year with 50% of its membership consisting a quorum.
(vi) The duties and functions of the Committee shall be as under:
(Vii) Duties of Librarian (Member Secretary):
§ To call the quarterly meeting of the Library Advisory Committee
§ Date of the meeting to be fixed with the consent of all faculty members
§ Intimation to all committee members
§ Preparation of the agenda of the meeting and action taken on the recommendation/observation made in last meeting
§ Preparation of the minutes of the meeting and circulation
Proposed Library Advisory Committee members
Chairman : Faculty In-charge (Library)
Management :
Applied Sciences:
Students Faculty Committee: Class representative to be included after the discussion with branch coordinators and all the programS.
Vijay Singh
Thanks for this Information. Its very useful
Library Committee report but in what reference. Please make your question more specific and clear, so that justified answer could be given.
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