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Why an Individual do Study in LIBRARY SCIENCE

It is the time when our profession going a critical situation where IT or Computer specialist recruited in place of Library professional. If all of IT or computer science recruited why the coming generation do LIBRARY SCIENCE. We, other  senior professional and all dept. of library science in India should raise their voice against it. We have to do something. The UGC should make the curriculum which is compatible with this situation. All the talented Library professional soon fed up with this profession and choose the another one. UGC giving the affiliation to all the private uni. where no dept. of library science and no qualified staff what type of product will generate you can imagine..Jago Library Professional Jago. give suggestion about it..Thanks

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Mr. Singh, in my opinion if computer specialist are recruited in our place then I don't think that its their mistake. It shows that our profession is not upgrading itself with the changing pace of time.

Its the cut throat competition age, despite of blaming for computer specialist why don't we upgrade ourself.

Yes Pratap, I am not blame any one other Subject specialist, I am Blaming our own professional, Association and UGC..SIR..we should raise our voice be united and the higher authority think that syllabus and subject need to update is need of time.

You are absolutely right. We should do something for our profession sake & next coming generation.

As per my understanding, data and information are no more limited to books and journals.... rather books and journals are transforming into digital format, like e-books and all.... in other words libraries are now started to change its core into digital form (digitization),  and the management of the digital information itself is a vast subject which obviously need specialization, which in noway our Blib or Mlib syllabus at university level is going to cater... so by the end of the day its we who need to update our-self with the latest technology around. Else our professional are on the verge of being obsolete.

And i think the syllabus design by our university during the first generation of computer should be changed  since its the age of artificial intelligence, fifth generation of computer....


student B-LIB

First of all, I would like to tell the Librarian and other library in charge to adopt the latest trend what is going on in the market. There are so many tools and technology which is going to replace the old library systems. We the library professional should update our-self by attending seminars, workshops or conferences. We also take initiative to conduct such type events in different part which help our professional friends to make aware on this. On the other hand, our LIS teaching professional should think on the syllabus structure for this IT climate that LIS students need and the teaching professional also update themselves to provide a better education.

very nice sir


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