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Strategies of successful candidates of UGC NET / JRF June, 2012

Dear Friends,


I request you all those cracked the UGC NET / JRF June, 2012 to share your strategies used to crack UGC NET / JRF June, 2012? For Example How many hours have you devoted for preparation on daily / Weekly basis. What reading material helped you most, or anything special which you would like to share with us.

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Follow LISLINKS regularly.................................

Disclaimer: I am not a successful person and personally I don’t use any means to artificially boost or increase my motivation.
However, some motivational video and sentence can be good to listen that are meant to inspire you.
Let’s start with quotes.
* Eric Thomas once quote "When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful". No one can defeat you.
* "NEVER GIVE UP". Hard works can beat anything. Don't let anyone tell you, you can't do it.
* Motivation is often killed by a fear of failure. Are you paralyzed because you’re afraid to fail? Always remember failure isn’t a bad thing.
* Dont tries to make any excuses for your failure. You should be bold to take the responsibility in your own head.
Now Lets Watch some videos
* I can do this:
* When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful.
* Change your words, Change your world:

thanks a lot sir


Dear Sir,

             Planning, preparation and perseverance are my  trade secrets. Of course, these are open secrets for any success. The  failure occurs  mainly in these areas such as improper planning, insufficient preparation and dejection due to failures. Failures are great learning opportunities. So analyse causes of failures and rectify them in further attempts. U know many rockets launched by ISRO were quickly fallen into sea. Failures. Almost all our media celebrated the failures. But what did our scientists do? They analysed the causes of the mission failures exactly and  rectified the defects. The failures ignited their morale what actually Dr. Badan Barman replied  "When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you’ll be successful". No one can defeat you. Now where are the media critics ? And now

ISRO scientists are highly respected world wide. 

     To pass UGC-NET is thousand times easier than passing Civil Services Exam or CSIR-UGC exam. For LIS, I may advise U to use BLISc and MLISc study materials of IGNOU and journals in LIS and standard monographs. For paper I, use good books on education, research methodology. Guides like Trueman's and Uphars are also useful.

Apply the secrets and see success is yours.





thanku so much sir


Sorry, I missed to include NET-UGC.COM, LIS-LINKS,LIS FORUM which are also very effective for UGC-NET preparation.


Lis link group chat is  very helpful to me , and I downloaded UGC previous question papers and different states Library Science SET exam question papers. solve  the all the question answers through the internet and Lis link chat... and continuously hard  worked with that questions and the asnwers till the UGC NET  exam june 2012



DC School of management and Technology


Idukki, Kerala

I can say that this achievement is the result of my preparation since 2005. 

Pls. read my strategies to grab the things for NET exam

1. Buy good LIS guide from market. You can buy books published from various places from online book selling sites (e.g. No guide is 100% error free. Avoid questions with wrong answers. 

2. Monitor LIS discussion forums for new developments happening in our area.

3. Attend seminars and workshops. Collect seminar volumes and prepare notes from it. Seminar volumes are good source of new developments in technology. 

4. Form combine study group. Share newly collected items among friends. 

5. Make use for authentic materials to brush up Library science theory. 


6. Collect old questions papers of competitive examinations conducted by Public Service Commissions, UPSC etc.


7. Read Open Access journals regularly.


8. Subscribe free email newsletters (e.g. Freepint)


9. Don't close book after NET exam. Start for next exam soon.


10. Don't under estimate yourself when you find that your number is not in the result page. Remember that your number will appear in near future. 

Thank u very much sir 4 ur success mantra & Tips Tricks...

Thanks to all those reply to my discussion and guided us.

I expect the name of some good books, and websites where the reading materials can be gathered from. Some practical suggestions in regard to time (spent on the preparation per day for NET), focus, and notes etc. Means day to day activities for preparation which make you succeed.


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