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Dear Professional
As we are aware that, AICTE has released its Approval Process Hand Book 2013-14. In that, AICTE has given the guidelines /instructions/formula about how many number of books, journals, e-journal should be procured by the approved institutions library.
Anyone help me out how to calculate the number of books should procure a Management Institution Library which was started in the year 2010 having 2 divisions as per the AICTE given instructions/formula?
I have enclosed here with the concerned pagers of Approval Process Hand Book 2013-14 for needy.
Dear Mr. Kiran,
As per norms for Management Institute librarian can calculate the books & Journals as stated below:
60 students = 1 Division
example: if your college has approval for 60 student intake means you have 1 division.
100 titles in a year + 500XB means 500 books
for Journal 12XB=1 Division 12 National Journals to be subscribed.
Then 1 division= 12 journals + 500 books + 100 titles every year addition.
If the Intake is 120 students = 2 division (60+60)
200 titles, 1000 books, 24 journals added every year.
Thank you very much sir, for providing such a clear explanation...
Dear sir.
New college starting each dept. 60 intake : purchase 100 Titles 500 volumes, 6 National journal
120 intake purchase 200 Titles 1000 Volumes 12 national journal
60 intake = b division , 120 intake = 60xb = 60x2
yearly increase 60 intake 250 Volumes 6 National journal increase every year each department
120 intake 500 volumes 12 National Journal increased each dept.
In management 100 title 500 volume
yearly increment is 50 t 500 v
then additional (60) intake is 100 t 1000 v it is correct or ....
Dear Professionals,
Good Morning. Good Day.
As per AICTE Norms libray should procure 500 books per batch (ie. strength of 60 students. If you have 2 batches then you have to procurred 1000 books per year. This is for your information. If you any doubt regarding this you can contact me at any point of time. I am here to hell our professional in all managemnt matters.
Thanks & Regards,
Thank you very much sir.... WE MAY NEED YOUR HELP IN FUTURE
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