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I compared answer key of two books, M. S. Ansari and Arihant Pub. There are quite difference in previous years solved paper.
You will read the ugc net not from one book you should collect study materials from various books of library science and collect study mateials from the egyankosh of ignou and read various journals of library sciecne
if u study on lislinks u will defiantly beat the ugc net exam.
Dear Sushil,
Paper - I is general study so u need to go with NCERT G.S book. Bit study maths /reasoning.
sir,what abour paper 2 and 3 .expecially how can solve assertion reason question.which is the best materials for solve it?
Mr. Satheesh kumar for solving the assertion/reason question you have the study line by line all the text book of lib. sc. besides IGNOU materials specially, otherwise there is no way to take the challenges.
How can I study lislinks
Basana Das
I think you need to study the max number of previous papers thoroughly, then find out what are your weakness. If you study Paper 1 syllabus, you can find that total 60 questions divided into 10 separate topics. Try to find out which are difficult topics to score, give more time to it. Refer any solved question paper book.
But give more emphasis on previous years question papers rather than any other papers.
Best of Luck
Dear Mr.Shivashankarappa, Upkar and Gupta publications are not available in Tamil Nadu. Kindly give me publication address and website mail id:
Thank you
Mr. Sunil, I am telling u some publishers name below
1) Trueman
2) Arihant
3) Upkar's
If u completely study this efficiently, no one can stop you.
Best of luck for u future.
thank you to all,
for your valuable suggestions but problem is that some guide's answer key are very different what i discussed in the forum ! this time in june i got in Paper 1- 56%, Paper 2- 54%, and in Paper 3- 52% and i'm SC candidate.
in my concern u have to attach with the e net.ugc ask question of latest trends and these questions are not available in latest objective books in my suggestion is to follow e net for latest information.
enet means WWW.ugconline net
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