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CALIBER-2025 "Library 2047: Democratizing Knowledge towards Viksit Bharat" at Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh

November 17, 2025 at 6pm to November 19, 2025 at 7pm


            Sunny Joseph, Oxygen Gardens,

            Block-C, Puranattukara P.O

            Thrissur, Kerala-680 551


            Hon. Chairman &  Members

            University Grants Commission.

            New Delhi.


            Sub : NET June 2012- Tactics of failed & Suggestions for improvement-reg

                        From media reports it is understood that there are lot of complaints against the cut-off marks fixed for UGC NET June 2012 examination, that  is “altering” the notified criteria for pass.

In the outset I have to mention that this charge is raised by failed candidates, some media people and some politicians who either do not read the notification or do not understand the text or intentionally manipulating the text of the notification as tactics. In whatever case UGC may ignore the Giebelsian lies or the utterances yielding to which will open the Pandora’s box. The aim of an eligibility exam. is not to choose the mediocres  but to select the best. Demand for lowering the cut-off mark is like the demand of those who can not win the 100 m race want to reduce the distance to 90 meters. The unprecedented number of successful  candidates definitely substantiate the criteria decided by UGC.

            I do appreciate UGC for conducting the examination with full transparency this time. Further UGC needs to be highly praised for conducting NET examination for more than two decades with utmost care in all matters. Because of this diligence UGC was never warranted to cancel even one NET examination over these years. But this is not the case of many university examinations or examinations conducted by various Public service Commissions. I salute You, Sir.

             May I suggest few things for improving NET examination.

  1. Reintroduce descriptive examination for Paper III with the provision of model answers or value points to examiners with the right for revaluation  by a panel  and the provision for getting copies of answer papers to candidates when demanded, of course with deterring fee.
  2. Action shall be taken against the unscrupulous evaluators including debarring them from further examinations.
  3. The present criteria of selecting the NET  examiners based on their seniority or academic qualifications or “connections” need to discontinued and UGC should introduce a written test and interview for  assessing the quality of evaluators of NET answer papers periodically and only those who obtain  a minimum of 75% of marks may be included in the panel of examiners. Let their eligibilty certificate may  valid only for 5 years. No caste reservation may be applied at least in this test.


  1. As the designation of teachers is changed the test may be renamed as “NET for Asst. Professorship/JRF”


The amendments shall definitely improve the selection process of teachers and the reputation of UGC



Thrissur                                                                                 Yours faithfully,

11-10-2012                                                                         Sunny Joseph.






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ye mad

you can not post your reply properly

you posted 3 same replys

first try to learn how do you post only one reply 

don't show your knowledge capacity on forum 

I strongly agree with all of your opinion and there should be negative marking system tooo like csir

Thanks a lot to you sir,  for your valuable suggestions , your given very good information, once again thank you very much.

Mr. Jomy Jose

I would like to say you friend

yes I completed my M.lib. I.Sc. in 2000

than I got job so i could not have try to passed net exam

I just attempted 2 NET exam in 12 years of long period not effort !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

this on is 3rd ...........ok

you can also ask my record to ugc using RTI 

please check my other replay which i gave you 


Digambar B Waghmare (Librarian)

Sinhgad College of Engineering, MS

Mr. Digamber,

Being a high qualified person and a grate intellectual (as per your thought), you have not to loose your temper and scolding others in worst language. Be cool and act as a dignified person. Remember Earning of Higher scale and certificates not shows ones personality, for that you are an example.

1)There should be a test for all professionals(Academic/Non-teaching) for annual Increment in government services,presently which are in government job(officer cadre) they are gaining after one time effort/setting.

2)Selection method should be only written exam(selection by interview method is not good)

I am totally against to this

Objective pattern is best.............

and it is to be continued.................

because we are preparing through objective type of books

and it will surely harmful for us



I agree with you also

I request to all our fresher as well as NET fighter 

do not participated into this type of baseless discussions 

you should concentration on your study first 

I also appeal to senior professional, knowledgeable professional 

please try to post something intellectual or  most important Q/A , E- Books. related to NET Exam ,etc 

do not try to spreed rumors or post baseless media and paper news

Thanking you,

Digambar B Waghmare 

i think now UGC should not and will not change NET result 2012. and ugc may implement negative marking in all the paper

Dear Mr. Sunny Joseph,

I agree with your opinion on Standards in conducting NET, mainly the  "Reintroduction of descriptive examination for Paper III" and "the provision for getting copies of answer papers to candidates when demanded".

But, I am not understanding your mean in posting your Valuable letter written to the UGC at this network. To be fame among all the lislinks members or to express your eyesore on the FAILED candidates. Please  don't forget Some miracles happens, the Diamonds redounds from the Earthen. If a teacher with 55% of marks succeeds his duty 101% (ie., fulfills his duty) than a teacher with 99% marks who can not even 50% succeeded. Then whom the Nation prefers? The 55% or 99%? Only the so called talent (99% marks) persons can not build our Nation strong.

I simply say, Writing this Latter to the UGC is Great but, posting it here is very cheap tactic..

Hope you retreat this letter which pained the FAILED ones from this Network.

Sir I agree with you 

but I think this is not for All our lis friends

its action to reaction to first someone knowledgeable person  sent letter to ugc & posted on our forum 

so sir I personally say sorry if pained the FAILED ones from this Network friends 

everyone be aware from those try to split this forum on category wise and Net qualified or NON NET Qualified 


Thanks & Regards

Digambar B Waghmare 

I really appreciate your views.  Yes.. as others said, replying to this thread, I have also qualified NET exam (probably as third ranker in India) because the third paper was in Objective mode.   But I am not really happy with my success entirely because I know for certain how important it is to evaluate a candidate on his descriptive ability.  You are selecting candidates who should have ability to think, present logically and meaningfully and express their own ideas on a topic as a learned men.  This is never possible with Objective mode.  It only examines your ability to memorize and recall.  Nothing else. 

Well some of my fiends here might say I say all this because I have cleared the NET in objective mode and so do not bother about others.  To all such my dear friends I would like to tell them that I have already qualified NET examination TWICE in Philosophy quite sometime ago as well as  SLET in Philosophy

when the pattern was descriptive type only.  This is my fourth NET qualification.

and I fully agree with all the suggestions made by Mr. Sunny Joseph including setting standards for evaluators and provision of answer sheets to the candidates on payment of a specific fee etc,  Kudos Joseph!!  Good work.


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