First and Largest Academic Social Network of LIS Professionals in India
For The post of Librarian
Part I- will consist of 40 multiple objective type questions in the subjects English and Hindi carrying 1 mark each.
Part II - will consist of 160 multiple type objective questions carrying 1 mark each comprising of Current Affairs (30), Reasoning and Numerical Ability (30) and concerned subject (100) questions.
The test will be of 03 hours duration. The Part II of the candidate will be evaluated only if he/she qualifies Part I securing 5 marks each in English & Hindi subjects and 13 marks in aggregate in English and Hindi subjects. The final merit list will be based on the performance of the candidate in written test (Part II) and interview. The weightage of written test (Part II) and interview will be 70:30
Syllabus for written examination for Librarian
Part 1: Foundation of Library & Information Science.
Unit.1. Library as an Social Institution
- Social & Historical foundations of Library.
- Different types of libraries- Academic, Public, Special –their distinguishing features and functions.
- Role of U.G.C. for development of Academic libraries.
- Role in Library of formal and informal education.
Shivaji University, Kolhapur
Unit.2 Normative Principles of Lib. & Inf. Science
- Five Laws of Library Science.
- Implications of five laws in Lib. & Inf. Science
- Development of Libraries with special reference to India, Baroda
Public Library system
- Library Co-operation Resource Sharing and Library Networking.
Unit 4. Laws relating to Libraries & Inforamion.
- Library legislation need and essential features.
- Library legislation in India.
- Maharashtra Public Library Act.
- Press and registration act & Delivery of Books act (Public Library).
- Copyright act, Intellectual Property rights.
Unit.5 Library and information Profession
- Attribution of profession.
- Librarianship as a profession.
- Professional ethics.
- Professional associations & their role.
- National & International Library Associations- FID, IFLA, LA,
- Professional education & research.
Unit.6 Promoters of Library & Information services
- National level promoters- RRRLF.
- International level promoters- UNESCO
Unit 7. Public relations & Extension activities
- Definition
- facets and programs.
- publicity & extension, Out reach activities.
- Library path finders (Guides)
- Factors affecting Library development, Literacy, publishing, Book
Part II : Knowledge Organization, Information Processing & Retrieval.
Unit. 1. Universe of Knowledge
- Structure and attributes.
- Modes of formation of subjects.
- Different types of subjects.
- Universe of subjects as mapped in different schemes of
Unit. 2 Bibliographic description
- Catalogue purpose, Structure and types physical forms including
OPAC filling rules.
- Normative Principles of cataloguing.
- Overview of principles and practice in document description.
- Current trends in Standardization, description and exchange.
- Standard codes of cataloguing.
Unit. 3. Methods of Knowledge Organization
- General theory of Library Classification.
- Normative principles of classification and their application.
- Species of Library Classification.
- Standard Schemes of Classifications and their features, CC, DDC,
- Notation: Need, Functions, Characteristics
- Design and development of schemes of Library Classification,
Standard sub-division Index.
- Trends in Library Classification.
Unit.4. Subject Classification
- Principles of Subject Classification.
- Subject heading lists and their feature.
Part III: Information Technology: Basic
Unit.1 Information Technology
- Definition, Need, Scope and Objectives.
Unit. 2 Computer Basic (Hardware)
- Introduction to Computers
- Overview of Historical Development of Computers.
- Generations of Computers, Classification of Computers.
- Essential Components of Computer system.
Unit.3 Computer Architecture-Organization of Computer
- Input and Output devices- Keyboard, Scanner, OCR, Printers,
Unit. 4. Software.
- Operating systems: Single & Multi User Systems, Basic features
of MS-DOS, MS Windows, Linux, UNIX, Windows NT etc.
- Programming Languages: Concepts and Tools
- Algorithm & Flowcharting.
Unit. 5 Word Processors, Spread Sheet etc.
Unit. 6 DBMS Package
- Familiarity with DBASE, FOXPRO, CDS/ISIS, SOUL, MS Access
(Basic features)
Unit 7. Computer application to library & Information work
- House keeping operations
Unit 8. Communication Technology
- Communication Technology Basic Concepts
- Networking: Basic Concepts.
- Internet
Part IV: Management of Libraries & Information Centres/Institutions
Unit.1 Management
- Concepts, definition and scope.
- Management styles and approaches.
- Management schools of thought.
- Functions and principles of Scientific Management.
Unit.2 Human Resource Management
- Organizational structure.
- Delegation, Communication and Participation.
- Job Description and Analysis, Job evaluation.
- Inter-personal relation.
- Recruitment procedures.
- Motivation, group Dynamics.
- Training and Development.
- Disciplines and Grievances.
- Performance Appraisal.
Unit.3. Financial Management
- Resources Mobilization
- Budgeting Techniques and Methods PPBS, Zero Based Budgeting
- Budgetary Control.
- Cost effectiveness and Cost Benefit analysis.
- Outsourcing.
Unit. 4 Reporting
- Types of reports, Annual report-compilation, Contents and style.
- Library Statistics etc.
Unit 5 System Analysis and Design
- Library as a system
- Project Management PERT/COM
- Decision Tables.
- Performance evaluation standards, MIS.
- Performance Measurement, reengineering, Time and Motion
- SWOT ( Strength Weakness Opportunities Threat)
- DFD (Data Flow Diagram)
Unit 6. Total Quality Management (TQM)
- Definition, Concept, Element
- Quality Audit, LIS related standards.
- Technology Management.
Unit. 7 Library House Keeping Operations.
- Different sections of Library & Information Center and their
- Collection Development and Management Policies Procedures.
- Book Ordering (Acquisition)
- Technical Processing.
- Serials Control, Circulation Control, Maintenance etc.
- Stock Verification- Policies and Procedures.
- Evaluation and Weeding.
- Archiving-conservation-Preservation.
- Restoration including Print, Non-Print and Electronic Materials.
Unit.8 Planning
- Concept, Definition, Need and Purpose, Types.
- Policies and Procedures, MBO
- Building and Space management in Libraries and Information
- Library Building, Interior & Exterior, Furniture, Equipment’s,
Standards & Types.
- Risk Management, Contingency Management.
- Planning of related Infrastructure, Library Standards.
Unit 9. Management of change.
- Concept of change.
- Changes in Procedures, Methods, Tools and Techniques.
- Problems of Incorporating Change.
- Techniques of Managing Change.
Part V: Information Sources & Services
Unit 1. Reference and information sources.
- Documentary Sources of Information, Print, Non-Print including
Electronic: Special features, Scope, types
- Nature, Characteristic, Utility and evaluation of different types of
Information sources: Physical formats, Authority, Content, Utility.
- Non-Documentary Information Sources.
- Reference Sources Categories, Primary, Secondary & Tertiary
Information Sources.(Encyclopedia, Dictionary, Periodical,
Thesis, Books, Year book, Patents, Trade literature, standards,
Monographs, Reference Books, Year Books, Almanac, Atlas,
Abstracting & Indexing periodicals, Bibliographies, Handbooks
- Internet as a Source of Information.
Unit.2. Reference Service.
- Concept, Definition, Need, Scope and trends.
- Reference Interview and Search Techniques.
Unit 3. Information Services and Products
- Information services and Products.
- Information services concepts, Definition, Need and trends.
- Need, Techniques and Evaluation of Alerting services (CAS
- Bibliographic, Referral, Document Delivery and Translation
Unit.4. Information System and their Services.
- Study of National, International and Commercial Information
Systems and Services- Background, their Services and Products.
Part VI: Library Users
Unit 1. Techniques of Library and Information Centres Survey.
- Proforma method.
- Interview method.
- Records analysis method.
Unit.2. Information users and their information Needs
- Categories of Information users.
- Information needs definition and models.
- Information seeking behaviour.
Unit.3 User Education
- Goals and Objectives level, Techniques and Methods, Evaluation
of Users Education Programmes.
Unit. 4. User Studies.
- Methods and techniques of User studies.
- Evaluation of User studies.
Unit 5. User Orientation Programmes:
- Conventional and modern Techniques: Study tour, Newsletters,
Handbooks, Leaflets, Powerpoint Presentation, Websites etc
Thanks and Good Work Kori dear
Thank u sir, it will be very help full, pls tell me Hindi Language Knowledge is must appear for the exam?
V good
sir can u provide me any synopsis pattern on public library
thnxxxx sir
thanks for giving such an useful information
thank you kori sir, sir you say that Part I- will consist of 40 multiple objective type questions in the subjects English and Hindi carrying 1 mark each. please tell me sir which type question in english or hindi subject , it,s only english grammar , hindi literature. i am student of west bengal board. that,s why it,s very essential for me and others.
how to prepare part 1... part 1 syllabus is nt given... incomplete info by kvs...
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