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Dear friends,
I am just pointing out your attention towards comments which are told to several interviewees during the interview for the post of Assistant Librarian in a reputed central university. All these comments are flashed by interviewers (eminent librarians / LIS academicians) to the interviewees (most of them are working in Universities) after knowing his present working section.
Whether a cataloguer is merely a data entry operator, or a circulation section staff is just like a salesman using barcode scanner for issue / return or the staffs of acquisition and periodical section are merely clerks who maintain file, record, letters and financial data or the JNU/ KVS librarians are merely chowkidar / security guard who secure the holdings of the storehouse.
If so, then why LIS education?
If not then why these superfluous comments done by our professional seniors?

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In Delhi Admin schools also following same pattern,,,infact since 2005, delhi govt school librarians are working on online module meant for this purpose and involved in digitisation of library collection. rest are as same as Dr. Pachauri has already said in his comment..........

good morning friends, I am agree with Burman sir, that "the professionals are responsible for the degradation of the profession.In most cases the planer and other highly qualified people always know the role of librarians and libraries" but here is a big question that who will recognize the role of the PA, SPA, Library Clerk. obviously, the answer is the librarian, dy. librarian, and Asst. librarian etc. all of them know it well that their juniors are the backbone of the library system. As stated by Mr. Santosh, "the pillars of the library profession in India" are these supporting staffs. Their work should also be respected. but the situation is far from this. Almost all associations, like ILA, IASLIC, SIS etc, always do for the betterment of the AL, DL, or Librarians. I have never heard any time that any India level association have done any effort against the degradation of salary of university library professionals( PA, SPA, etc.) from 4th pay commission to 6th pay commsission. After 4th pay commission recommendations, Basic salary of PA was equal to the basic salary KVS/JNV librarians or PGT. now a days Basic salary of PA is equal to PRT grade.
If no one want to do any thing, then why these superfluous comments.
Sorry pachaury sir, if it gives pain to you. we are also in pain at this situation. Since our child age, we all have heard that We should respect profession. Every profession have some professional ethics. but here ... All of us know it well that we are not DEO, salsesman, clerk or the security guard. but this forum is started with the goal to change the mind set those who treats us like that. We are also doing remarkable job by supporting education system. i m again sorry for it.
There has been very good discussion over the matters during the last forty eight hours,and more than six hundred viewers have already seen the discussion. For this I really congratulate Mr. Barman for providing the platform like this. But, I am very much surprised to know that despite the fact that this kind of problems is faced by most of the interviewee, no faculty or seniormost library professional have expressed their view. I invite them too to kindly give comments as well as suggestions over the issues, because ultimately you have to understand the dignity, nature of work, and the efforts the library professionals put in the development of library.


 i also agree wih pachauri sir,i think  in KVS no librarian is treated as choukidaar, but they are allotted some other important work also. if u see the nature of work other than the field of library also, u can find what they are giving to the institution and they are proving themselves better than others.The dignity of KVS librarians cant be challenged .

such questions which make you angry so that they can know you behavior / attitude in hostile conditions. It will help them to know about your behavior in real life communication with your library users

My view!
The Interviewers are asking this in Laymens point of view and yes this is a very challenging question to library professionals and we should have an answer to it. The Interviewee should make the interviewers understand that librarian are way more than what they say. For e.g. Q. cataloguer is merely a data entry operator? Ans in my opinion, no they are not they catalogue in such a way that user save time and all bibliographic details are in a small piece of paper/OPAC and yes Data entry is just the last part.... etc.

I usually get this sorts of question in my every day to day real life from friends(educated), seniors (educated) etc....

My view!
The Interviewers are asking this in Laymens point of view and yes this is a very challenging question to library professionals and we should have an answer to it. The Interviewee should make the interviewers understand that librarian are way more than what they say. For e.g. Q. cataloguer is merely a data entry operator? Ans in my opinion, no they are not they catalogue in such a way that user save time and all bibliographic details are in a small piece of paper/OPAC and yes Data entry is just the last part.... etc.
I usually get this sorts of question in my every day to day real life from friends(educated), seniors (educated) etc....


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