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Good Morning,

                    Friends, I am a librarian in an International School, as we all know that now-a-days reading habits of students is almost finished. They are more involved in other activities. Can anybody tell me what activities can be done in a School Library so that the students should be more involved in reading. Presently we are organizing 2 book fair in a year, book club and book review competition etc. Please help me in this.

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Dear sir,

It is really appreciable that you have a thought to boost up the reading habits of kids. If it is done at the early stage, no one can stop them from reading and visiting libraries.

1. you can conduct a reading session, ie. to make them read aloud particularly at primary classes, Just have some small gifts such as beautiful crowns/chocolates/pencils/sketch colours to give them and cheer their reading. Sure, this will really make wonders. I had realized. A small gift to them will make a big difference. Saying, best reader of the day, you can crown the little ones.

2. Best reader of the week, Best story teller of the week can be initiated. See to that every student must get an equal opportunity. Get their photos and display it in the notice boards,

3. You can tell stories to them and encourage them to repeat the story again. If you have mike at library, that is well and gud. 

4. Have always small cups and give them pleasant surprise stating that wonderful readers will be awarded.

5. Take a picture of a story and ask them to narrate their own story. Conduct like an entertainment show.

6. As you had mentioned, book reviews can be done regularly.

7. There are many websites which has nice stories collection. You can utilize that. 

8. Use flash cards of famous personalities, such as pasting their colourful pictures one side, and their achievements in another side. If they read about a personality, try to quote their biography as a story. They will remember good. Have a day like DEAR, Drop Everything and Read, saying this is a reading day of our school like that. 

Good Luck for your Mission.

Raaga mam it is ver

Thanks ma'am for your encouraging words and suggestion. I would try to implement them.

  1. Book reviews,
  2. Quiz based on  traditional and current GK, science, environment, policies and issues related with working of Government, computer science etc.
  3. To show educational and documentary films,
  4. Career guidance and counseling,
  5. To organize various competitions like Poem recitation, essay competition, story writings, painting, scrap books, wall paintings, class magazines etc
  6. Celebration of important National and International days such as Army day, World health day, Anti-Tobacco day, UN Public Service Day, Earth day, National Science Day, Kisan diwas, KVS foundation Day etc, For this a list of important days should be prepare and given to the libraries.
  7. Class and subject projects based on library.

Hi friends,

I'm just sharing an experience of an event which is conducted in a school library in our place a great success. An EXHIBITION of traditional house hold items which is not in use now a days. Students showed much interest in collecting and explaining about these items and it attracted even parents and public, will give them a nostalgic vibe. It may not be directly involved in reading but  will get a good attraction towards the library. thus indirectly can utilise to boost the reading habit.

If you do a simple research in this regard, you can find out there are lot of items that had been disappeared in our home and domestic area which used just before. You can exhibit some sort of rare and primitive forms of books. Hope this will make your library lively and attentive.

Dear sir,

 As Raaga  mam , It is really appreciable that you have  taken an interst to motivate a child to  read … n library is a place , a child has the freedom to explore its imagination …

 You may conduct … a  Library day n do some programs which creates an  interest to read  …like ……

 Author parade..  (Children dressing up as authors and characters and come as  a fashion parade Authors introducings it chracters .

U may have top ten books  of u r library .. n u can rate  thm by conducting a   count down show …

As its an international school..  u may  introduce ..  the books on different  culture . of  dfrnt countries . n they may talk or share their culture by doing a lively show …

Design the library notice  board colorfully wid the help of children  by displaying their  reviews , character sketch ,, etc,

 A librarian  shld nt be a   person of taking incharge on  collection development n circulation alone .. its in our hand to sow the seed of reading habits ,,,  in the early stage .. Sure .. we will be the fan of little hearts .. n they respect us ,,, ( Y I tell this is .. I heard from  soo many lis members ,, dat librarians are nt respected  by any users. It depends on hw a librarian behaves.. if we are  confined .. in sitting idle .. sure we may lack dat  respect )

These activities    and motivation will make us remember Our role and our identity  n sure  gets recognised.

Gud Luck 

To be fair and honest enough, I did not like the post as much as I liked the replies thereof by  Raaga and  Dr. Pachauri.I feel there is nothing more left to say on this issue.They have said it all.  As has already been noted, inculcating the reading habits among students should start at a tender age.  Achieving this by any librarian would be no mean feat but a test of talent, temperament and tenacity of the librarian.

Good luck.

Thanks everybody for their valuable response. 

This link may be useful for you

Reply from Ritu Nagpal, DPS

You can also arrange author'visit, story hourmay call subject experts as part of activity from library 


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