First and Largest Academic Social Network of LIS Professionals in India
Acronyms and Abbreviations :
* ABET Adult Basic Education and Training
* ACE Advanced Certificate in Education
* ACNL Advisory Committee on the National Libraries
* ACRL Association of College and Research Libraries
* ACTAG Arts and Culture Task Group
* AGM Annual General Meeting
* ALASA African Library Association of South Africa
* ANC African National Congress
* BLINDLIB South African Library for the Blind
* CALICO Cape Library Consortium
* CEO chief executive officer
* CEPD Center for Education Policy Development
* CEPD Continuing Education and Professional Development
* CHE Council on Higher Education
* CHEC Cape Higher Education Consortium
* CHELSA Committee for Higher Education Librarians in South Africa
* CICD Center for Information Career Development
* CNENSA Cape Non-European Night Schools Association
* CNLSA Conference of National Librarians of Southern Africa
* COLIS Community Library and Information Services
* COMLA Commonwealth Library Association
* COSALC Coalition of South African Library Consortia
* DAC Department of Arts and Culture
* DACST Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology
* EAC East African Community
* ECHEA Eastern Cape Higher Education Association
* EFA Education for All
* ELITS Education Library Information and Technology Services
* ESAL Eastern Seaboard Association of Libraries
* ESATI Eastern Seaboard Association of Tertiary Institutions
* ESI Ecole des Sciences de l’Information
* ETD electronic theses and dissertations
* FOTIM Foundation of Tertiary Institutions of the Northern Metropolis
* FPASA Fire Protection Association of Southern Africa
* FRELICO Free State Library and Information Consortium
* FSHETT Free State Higher and Further Education and Training Trust
* FULSA Forum for University Librarians in South Africa
* GAELIC Gauteng and Environs Library Consortium
* GCIS Government Communication and Information System
* GIS geographic information system
* HAI historically advantaged institution
* HDI historically disadvantaged institution
* HEI higher education institution
* HEQC Higher Education Quality Committee
* HELIG Higher Education Libraries Interest Group
* HSRC Human Sciences Research Council
* IASL International Association of School Librarianship
* ICT information and communication technology
* ICTLIG Information and Communications Technology in Libraries
* IDRC International Development Research Center
* IFLA International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
* IGBIS Interest Group for Bibliographic Standards
* ILE information literacy education
* INASP International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications
* IRC information resource center
* ISAP Index to South African Periodicals
* ISASA Independent Schools Association of South Africa
* ISBN International Standard Book Number
* ITU International Telecommunication Union
* IULC Inter-University Library Committee
* IWG Inter ministerial Working Group
* JCM Joint Catalog of Monographs
* KZN KwaZulu-Natal
* LACIG Library Acquisitions Interest Group
* LIASA Library and Information Association of South Africa
* LIS library and information science/services/studies
* LISDESA Libraries and Information Services in Developing South Africa
* LiSLIG LIASA Special Libraries Interest Group
* LISSCO Library and Information Services of Science Councils
* LIWO Library and Information Workers Organisation
* MEDLIG Medical Libraries Interest Group
* MiET Media in Education Trust
* MPCC Multipurpose Community Center
* NAC National Arts Council
* NACLI National Advisory Council for Libraries and Information
* NARS National Archives and Records Service
* NCLIS National Council for Library and Information Services
* NECC National Education Coordinating Committee
* NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development
* NEPI National Education Policy Investigation
* NGO non-governmental organisation
* NHC National Heritage Council
* NITF National Information Technology Forum
* NLAC National Library Advisory Council
* NLSA National Library of South Africa
* NOHIM National Oral History and Indigenous Music
* NRF National Research Foundation
* NTCA National Telecommunications Cooperative Association
* OBE outcomes-based education
* OCLC Online Computer Library Center
* OPAC Online Public Access Catalog
* OPD Official Publications Depository
* OSALL Organisation of South African Law Libraries
* PACLIG Public and Community Libraries Interest Group
* PaCLISA Public and Community Libraries Inventory of South Africa
* PASA Publishers’ Association of South Africa
* PICC Print Industries Cluster Council
* PISAL Periodicals in Southern African Libraries
* PiT Public Information Terminal
* RDP Reconstruction and Development Programme
* RETIG Research, Education and Training Interest Group
* RFID radio frequency identification device
* RNCS Revised National Curriculum Statement
* SABA South African Booksellers’ Association
* SABEC Southern African Book Exchange Center
* SABIB South African Bibliography
* SABINET South African Bibliographic and Information Network
* SaCAT South African National Catalog
* SACMEQ Southern and Eastern African Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality
* SADC Southern African Development Community
* SAHRA South African Heritage Resources Agency
* SAILIS South African Institute for Library and Information Science
* SAIS Southern African Inter lending Scheme
* SALA South African Library Association
* SALC South African Library Conference
* SALLP South African Library Leadership Programme
* SANB South African National Bibliography
* SANCB South African National Council for the Blind
* SANLIC South African National Library Consortium
* SANRIC South African National Research Information Consortium
* SAOUG Southern African Online User Group
* SASLI South African Site Licensing Initiative
* SCECSAL Standing Conference of East, Central and Southern Africa
* SCHELIS Standing Committee of Heads of Education Library and Information Services
* SEALS South Eastern Alliance of Library Systems
* SLA Special Libraries Association
* SLIG Special Libraries Interest Group
* SLIS Special Libraries and Information Services
* SLYSIG School Library and Youth Services Interest Group
* SOMAFCO Solomon Mahlangu Freedom College
* TAAA Together with Africa and Asia Association
* TEC Transitional Executive Committee
* UCT University of Cape Town
* UCTD Union Catalog of Theses and Dissertations
* ULIS Unification of Library and Information Stakeholders
* UNESCO United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation
* UNISA University of South Africa
* UP University of Pretoria
* USA United States of America
* USA Universal Service Agency
* USAASA Universal Service and Access Agency of South Africa
* UWC University of the Western Cape
* UZKN University of KwaZulu-Natal
* WGNL Working Group on the National Libraries of South Africa
* WLIC World Library and Information Congress
good ...............
sir pl give me reference or source of these above abbreviations
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