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I Think Gen 100-105

OBC 90-100

SC /ST 80-90

cut off of dssb

UR = 106-112
OBC = 90-104
SC/ST= 70-84

 I Shore ????

how you will sure pls tell the authentic source or what is the logic behind it

Dear friends ,
When Orissa Govt. has declared that Librarian are in academic staff so why not this policy is implementing in Delhi because there are in DELHI GOVERNMENT the age limit for librarian IS 30 but for the other teaching job it is 42 so friends we should come together and raise this point in front of delhi governement also because this is the question for our future.

Dear friends I have sent the following mail to DSSSB with respect to wrong Key answers of post code 69/10 and 2/13 

Dear sir,
The key answers for the following questions of set D of the examination dated 31/08/2014 for the post codes 69/10 and 02/13 (Librarian) are wrong kindly rectify the same and do the justice for the aspirants.
Q.No. 101 Which one is not the function of a National Library?
As per the board Key the answer is (C) It represents the national Bibliography
But the correct answer is (D) It Provides the assistance to all Libraries of the Country
Details or Justification: The reference section of the national Library produces the National Bibliography hence it represents the national bibliography. The national library may provide assistance to the public Libraries not for all the libraries of the country wise Special Libraries, School Libraries, College Libraries, University Libraries, Industrial Libraries, Hospital Libraries etc….
Q.139 The person first started to work for library development in India is

As per board key, Answer is (A ) Ranganathan
But the correct answer is (C)
Details or Justification: In 1910 Mr. W A Borden from USA called by S. GYAKWARD
Maharaha had started Library Movement in India.
Whereas in case of S. R Ranganathan,  In 1923, the University of Madras created the post of University Librarian to oversee their poorly organised collection. Among the 900 applicants for the position, none had any formal training in librarianship, and Ranganathan's' handful of papers satisfied the search committee's requirement that the candidate should have a research background. His sole knowledge of librarianship came from an Encyclopædia Britannica article he read days before the interview.
Ranganathan was initially reluctant to pursue the position (he had forgotten about his application by the time he was called for an interview there). To his own surprise, he received the appointment and accepted the position in January 1924.[5]
Q. No. 117. Which of the following pairs is not correct about the types of books?
As per the board answer (D) Hand books and text books
But the correct answer is (C) single and Reference Books
Details or Justification: there is no such pair of books as single and reference book it may be single and multi volume book
Q. No. 122. The term Library is made of the word
As per the board key answer is (B) Libra
But the correct answer is (A) Liber
Details or Justification: The word “library” comes from the Latin word liber=Book. Library means a collection of written, printed or digital reading material organized to provide different services to the user with the help of a trained staff. It is a collection of sources, resources, and services, and the structure in which it is housed; it is organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution, or an individual. However, with the sets and collection of media and of media other than books for storing information, many libraries are now also repositories and access points for maps, prints, or other documents and various storage media such as microform (microfilm/microfiche), audio tapes, CDs, cassettes, videotapes, and DVDs. Libraries may also provide public facilities to access subscription databases and the Internet. Although mostly free to access and use, some libraries assess service charges for some services, such as checking out new fiction, DVDs, interlibrary loan, Document Delivery Service, etc.
Q. No. 142. The acronym FID stands for
As per the board key, answer is (A) International Federation for Documentation
But the Correct answer is (C) International Federation for Information and Documentation
Details or justification: International Federation for Information and Documentation (FID)FID was founded in 12 September 1895 in Brussels, Belgium, by bibliographers Henri LaFontaine (1854-1943) and Paul Otlet (1868-1944) as the “Institut International de Bibliographie” (IIB) or International Institute of Bibliography. It was popularly known as the Brussels Institute. It has gone through a number of changes in name that reflect changes of conceptualisation of the field in which it operates. In 1931 the IIB became the Institut International de Documentation (IID) or The International Institute for Documentation. In 1938, it became the Federation Internationale de Documentation (FID) or the International Federation for Documentation. In 1986, the word “information” was added to the name but the acronym is retained. Thus it become Fédération Internationale d'Information et de Documentation (FID) or the International Federation for Information and Documentation
Q. No. 150. Which Term was coined by Ranganathan for Mobile Library?
As per the Board key, Answer is (B) Library on Wheels
But the Correct answer is (C) Librachine 
Details or Justification:
1. In 1931, S.R. Ranganathan envisioned India's first bookmobile. The two-wheeled cart became an effective way to deliver library services to rural areas. Inspired by Ranganathan, a Sub Engineer named S. V. Kankasabai Pillai designed a bullock (ox) cart for use as a traveling library. The cart contained books, maps, charts, and a gramophone with records. In operation for ten years, the cart served villages within a ten mile radius.
Ranganathan (1962) notes that "each librachine - traveling library in the form of a motor-van of book-mobile as it is called - should have a librarian (professional) and a circulation librarian (a semi-professional)."
Established in 1952, the Delhi Public Library aimed to provide library service to remote areas through the use of van service.
2. Page No. 80, Question No. 92 of the book entitled “MCQ in Library and Information Science: A Unique Compendium for UGC-NET” written by Dr. A. Y. Asundi, Professor and Chairman (Retd.) Department of Library and Information Science, Bangalore University. Published by N. A. Prakashan. Edition 2003. ISBN:81-7525-415-7.
Source: Scanned copy of the book with reference to the question is attached to this mail.
Q. No. 193. What is the meaning of Organizational Structure of the libraries?
As per the Board Key the answer is (A) Structure of the Library
But the correct the answer is (D) Blue Print of the structure of the Library
Details or Justification: P.No 171 Question No 50 of the book entitled “OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS IN LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE 3RD REVISED AND ENLARGED EDITION “” written by S.M Tripathi,C.Lal and and K. kumar published by ESS ESS  Publication  first edition 2004 ISBN-81-7000-386-5
2. Page No. 115, Question No.230. of the book entitled “MCQ in Library and Information Science: A Unique Compendium for UGC-NET” written by Dr. A. Y. Asundi, Professor and Chairman (Retd.) Department of Library and Information Science, Bangalore University. Published by N. A. Prakashan. Edition 2003. ISBN:81-7525-415-7
Source: Scanned copy of the book with reference to the question is attached to this mail.
Thanking you with regards

good work sir we should fight against DSSSB till our questions and some answer are not rectified i go to CAT also if they have not taken right decision . Questions are prepared only ONE BOOK no cross cheching no Authentic Source are considerd

Ya sir We have to......

I got 130/200 

Sir I Agree With You You are Giving Wright Answer 


i write wrong answer key questions too i think 10 i attept

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