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Dear friends,

Please tell me how to see the total list of books entered in the E-Granthalaya library management software.

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mr singh contact on my mob no . i m using this s/w.

feel free- 09386630882

Dear Mr Indra Kumar Singh

In most of the Kendriya Vidyalaya Library e-granthalaya library management software is being used. I too computerised library using e-granthalaya. You can use SEARCH MENU and its option like Print Accession Register etc to see the list else directly list can also be seen. 

Where are u working? or refer NIC's e-granthalay web site and see the user manual.

My e-mail

Rajesh Sharma


Dear friend ,

                 through your OPAC you can find about all details of books  


search>accession register>enter

history of INIS

2. History

INIS represents a wealth of experience and an extensive pool of information in the nuclear field. The first INIS output products, the printed Atomindex and associated magnetic tapes, were issued in April 1970. INIS has since grown into one of the most successful and comprehensive information systems on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology.

Major developments in INIS




International system proposed


INIS Secretariat established


IAEA Board of Governors approved the system


First products generated in printed and electronic forms
INIS membership comprises 39 Member States and 11 international organizations
First training course held


INIS Thesaurus developed and adopted for documents indexing


Full subject scope covered


Abstracts added to references


100 000 NCL full texts on microfiche available


INIS Database accessible on traditional online system


French INIS Thesaurus completed


Russian INIS Thesaurus completed


German INIS Thesaurus completed


INIS Multilingual Dictionary (English-French-German-Russian) completed


First definition of Membership Arrangements distributed
250 000 NCL full texts on microfiche available


One million database references available


Expert system for indexing quality control implemented
Input preparation software FIBRE introduced


INIS Database available on CD-ROM


Expansion of subject scope to include the environmental and economic aspects of non-nuclear energy sources


Routine receipt of input to the system by electronic mail


Definition of membership arrangements
INIS Mission Statement revised
Spanish INIS Thesaurus completed


INIS Multilingual Dictionary (English-French-German-Russian-Spanish) completed


INIS Web Site launched
500 000 NCL full texts on microfiche available


Two million database references available
New electronic technology implemented, and INIS NCL full texts available on CD-ROM; Start of electronic document delivery service
INIS computer based training package on CD-ROM released


INIS Database on Internet launched
INIS Data Processing System launched (all processing done on-line)


INIS Web services launched
INIS Distance Learning Program on Internet launched
Definition of membership arrangements revised


INIS2 - a regional portal site - opened at the Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI)
INIS given new role in nuclear knowledge preservation and management
Computer-assisted indexing (CAI) system started in the INIS Secretariat
Two and a half million database references available


INIS 35th anniversary (1970-2005)


INIS membership comprises 116 Member States and 22 international organizations
INIS Multilingual Dictionary (Arabic-English-Chinese-French-German-Russian-Spanish) completed
INIS Database includes 2.7 million bibliographic references and about 700 000 full-text documents


Three million bibliographic references available on the INIS database
INIS Database Open Access Pilot Project launched in seven countries


Opening of the access to the INIS Database on the Internet


INIS 40th Anniversary (1970-2010)
INIS membership comprises 123 Member States and 24 international organizations
INIS launches a new website


INIS web-based popular topics replace topical CD-ROMs
INIS launches new Google-based web search of its collection
On 1 September INIS moved to Google-based search and retired old INIS online database


INIS, together with the IAEA Library and the Systems Development and Support Group become part of a newly formed Nuclear Information Section (NIS)
INIS implemented a mobile version of its website

3. INIS Restructuring

The Director General of the IAEA approved the overall restructuring of the Department of Nuclear Energy (NE) on 20 January 2012. This included the creation of the Nuclear Information Section (NIS) and the establishment of a separate Nuclear Knowledge Management Section.

The newly created Nuclear Information Section consists of:

  • INIS Unit
  • IAEA Library Unit
  • Systems Development and Support Group

This restructuring and creation of NIS provides an opportunity for further enhancement of existing information products and services, and the introduction of new ones - all geared towards the goal of higher organizational efficiency and effectiveness.


Do you Know?

  • What is INIS?

The International Nuclear Information System (INIS) is a decentralized information system operated by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria in co-operation with its Member States and co-operating international organizations. It is the world´s leading information system on the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. INIS maintains a database of over 3 million bibliographic references and announces the availability of scientific literature published world-wide on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. It also maintains a collection of full text documents that would be difficult to obtain elsewhere.

  • What are the subjects covered by INIS?

INIS covers all aspects of the peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. There are central areas to the scope such as nuclear reactors, reactor safety, nuclear fusion, applications of radiation and radioisotopes in medicine, agriculture, industry and pest control as well as related fields such as nuclear chemistry, nuclear physics and materials science. Special emphasis is placed on the environmental, economic and health effects of nuclear energy. Legal and social aspects associated with nuclear energy are also covered. And, from 1992, the economic and environmental aspects of all non-nuclear energy sources are included in the scope.

  • How can I access the INIS Database?

The INIS Database is available for free on the internet, simply go to

  • What is the size of the INIS Database?

Currently the INIS database on internet contains over 3 million bibliographic references, with English abstracts. It provides direct link to a unique collection of over 250 000 full-text documents not available through commercial channels.

  • What is the time span of the INIS Database?

1970 to the present.

  • How can I add my article/publication to the INIS Database?

Please contact national INIS Liaison Officer. He/she will take the necessary actions to submit your publication to INIS.

  • What is the INIS collection of full text documents?

Literature reported to INIS may be subdivided into two categories, conventional and non-conventional. Conventional literature is literature which is commercially available through normal distribution channels, such as the book and magazine trade or publishing houses. INIS non-conventional literature, or the INIS collection of full text documents, comprises all other forms of literature, including scientific and technical reports, patent documents, pre-conference papers, and non-commercially published theses and laws that have been cited in the INIS database but are not readily available through commercial channels (also called grey literature). The INIS collection of full text documents comprises literature on the peaceful uses of nuclear energy from 1970 to the present.

  • What is the INIS Thesaurus?

The ETDE/INIS Joint Thesaurus contains the controlled terminology for indexing all information within the subject scope of INIS and the Energy Technology Data Exchange (ETDE). The terminology is used in subject descriptions for input to, or retrieval of, information in these systems. The Joint Thesaurus is the result of continued editing in parallel to the processing of the INIS and ETDE databases.

  • Who are INIS Members?

INIS has over 120 Member States and more than 20 international organizations.

  • What is the procedure for joining INIS?

For countries: Only Member States of the IAEA may join INIS. A formal letter should be sent from either the national atomic energy authority, from the country's Permanent Mission to the IAEA, or from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The letter should be addressed to the Director General of the IAEA and should state the country´s wish to join INIS. The letter should also include the nomination of the national INIS Liaison Officer, with whom the INIS Secretariat would work closely on all INIS-related matters.

For international organizations: A formal letter should be sent from the Executive Head of the organization, addressed to the Director General of the IAEA, stating the organization's wish to join INIS and nominating an INIS Liaison Officer, with whom the INIS Secretariat would work closely on all INIS-related matters.

  • What are the responsibilities of the INIS Liaison Officer?

The INIS Liaison Officer is responsible for organizing the collection of information and the preparation of input for INIS on a national level (or for his organization, in the case of an international organization), as well as for the dissemination of information contained in all INIS output products, in addition to the promotion of those products. Regular communication between the INIS Secretariat and the INIS Liaison Officers takes place by correspondence and through the Consultative Meetings of INIS Liaison Officers.

  • Who is the INIS Liaison Officer for my country/international organization?

INIS Liaison Officers and Alternates are listed on the INIS Web site.

  • Where is the INIS Secretariat located?

The secretariat function of the International Nuclear Information System is vested in the IAEA´s INIS & NKM Section, located at the Vienna International Centre (VIC), Austria.

  • Whom to contact for further information?

INIS & NKM Section,International Atomic Energy Agency,
Vienna International Centre,
P.O. Box 100,1400 Vienna, Austria,Tel.: +43 1 2600 22842/1; Fax: +43 1 2600 29882;


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