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Why Library Science is not included in Evaluation System in CBSE schools?

Dear Friends,

It is very much observed that the Library Science is not included in Continuous Evaluation System in CBSE schools as other non-academic subjects were included like Craft, Art, Physical Education, Dance, Music, etc.

Why don't we get that recognition?  Why we were treated with partiality?

Though the CBSE insists that the Librarians in School Library needs to be treated on par with Teachers, in my opinion, no Library professional is treated like that.  Besides, they are treated below par with office/administrative staff and given continuous work in office.  So many school librarians are used as a office staff for more than 75% and whenever there is no work, then they were allowed to do Library work.

When you can create parameters for Music, Dance, Craft, Physical Education, Art, etc. why not for the Library field?
Is this field is not recognised as like other non-academic subjects?
Is this field not having much important as like other subjects?
Is this field is not required to be given any importance?
Is this field is not having any academic value?

If so, then why the CBSE or alike organisations says that the Librarian is must.  When they were appointed why they were not treated as like others?  On the other side, when the organisation is not asking for their skills, it is obvious that the Librarian will lose his skills gradually.

School children are least bothered about the Library and Librarians because of "NO IMPORTANCE ATTITUDE" by the Boards concerned and that leads to disrespect towards library.  When you do not learn "How to use library" at the tender age, then when they grown up it made to be impossible for them to understand the basic concept of Library.

Dr.S.Radhakrishnan has said that "Library is the Heart of an Institution".  Whereas, nowadays there is no school or institution is giving any respect to the professionals.  Who are responsible for that? What will be the role of ILA in this regard?  and How to bring the respect back?

Can we discuss, further? please......  Any view, both positive and negative, is welcome....

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Dear Friends,

I think the thread/discussion is one of the serious issue at school level. Since, schools are the place where the children gets the basic platform, it is very much essential to the Authorities concerned to consider the Library field as an academic subject. When Art, Dance, Craft, Physical Education, etc. can be considered, why not our field?

Any discussion? or Support? or Debate?
I dont know, where we are heading? Everybody give stress on quality education, but when it comes to the library, used to remain silent. I really dont know how we will move to quality education without a proper library system.

I fully agree with you that at least in school level, library should be included in in the evaluation process of the students. But who will implement it?
Thanks for the views Mr. B.Barman.

It seems that this is the high time for initiating some steps towards recognising our library field at School Level. In my opinion, as the supreme body for Library Science, the Indian Library Association (ILA) must act swiftly to take necessary steps to implement CCE (Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation) at School level. It is the responsibility of such highest Authorities to take-up the issue to concerned government authorities like, CBSE, Min. of H.R.D., etc. to make them to realise that the Library field is totally ignored at all levels.

Dr S. Radhakrishnan said: Library is a Heart to any Institution. But the entire government mechanism is totally ignored his words and the value & importance of the Library.

Few may argue that the School Librarians are not working up to the mark. Once the the Library field is included in CCE, then automatically the School Librarians will be forced to follow the regulations and that make them to understand the subject & serve better.

Unless otherwise the Library is recognised as a academic subject at school, it is painful to say that the children will be unable to understand very basic concept of Library and its services. Almost more than 80% of the school libraries in India are not utilised for the purpose for which it is established.

So, any possibility to take the issue to CBSE, MHRD through ILA?
agreed chandrasekarji but in my opnion each and every library association, group must come forward and influence the authority start a campaign from today
So, what will be the next step?

What are the Associations to be involved or need to come forward?

What step we, as an individuals, can take? What role of ILA will be there in this?

Any suggestion? I think this required some aggressive campaign.
Dear Friends,

Any further suggestions to move ahead?
Dear Friends,

In my opinion, this is a serious issue. We need to be together to accomplish something on this topic. Any well-informed professionals in our Library Science field will be of great help to take up the issue further.

All authorities, CBSE, ILA, MHRD, etc. will not do anything on their own. The professionals like us are only be able to do take the issue further.

Will there be any support and guidance?
Dear Friends,

Any comments & suggestions? Else, do you think that this topic is not required to be discussed?

I feel that this is an important issue which needs to be addressed in a correct way and required to get the solution.

So, any suggestions?
Dear Friends,

Any comments?
Dear Friends,

Is there will be any comments? Please. School libraries/Librarians are in pathetic condition. It requires serious attention. I hope our LIS professionals will come forward for some comments and it may lead to some change in the attitude of school administrators including States & CBSE boards.


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