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Librarian post is re-designated as Lecturer- Library in UP state colleges and Universities.

Librarian post is re-designated as Lecturer- Library in UP state. This a great victory of United Progressive Library Association. Now they are eligible to avail all the benefits as per teaching staff of the state. Find out the notification at:

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sir,ILA has written a letter to 7th pay commission about salary revision but it is not clear either it is according to TGT/PGT/assist. prof./Associate Prof./Prof. grade or not.We all should write a letter to ILA regarding to the Issue.ILA's next Meeting is on 9th april,2015 at Punjab University,Chandigarh.

Yes , Sindhu ji. I read that draft. Very good draft submitted by ILA to 7th pay commission. 

But your suggestion is good and I will write a letter to Mr. Pradeep Rai to look into the matter on the next ILA meeting.

Thank you 

Respected sir

did you have GO related of this matter

if yes please sent to me 

my email ID -

Dear Sir,

           If you have GO related this Kindly send to my id

This step will definitely provide the teaching  cadre and social status to our community. ILA should make effort for re-designation of the post at National level in schools, colleges and universities. 

Very Good News

Dear My Co-Professionals.

It is indeed a great news.

However, as I feel, we have even a bigger task ahead.  That is to acquire social recognition.

You see that the Librarians in Colleges have acquired Pay Scales at par with teaching staff but whether, the image of a Librarian in College has been changed accordingly? Amongst the teaching and even the so called 'Non-Teaching' communities?  As I understand, the answer is "NO". 

Yes, I admit that from now onwards some among us may introduce himself /herself as Assistant/ Associate Professor - Library or even more cleverly as An Assistant/Associate Professor disguising the actual job profile.

(A couple of years ago, one of my good friend ; a real well wisher, advised me to write the Exact Official Cadre of my the then post while I was filling an application form for my son's admission in a very renowned school; he was afraid, that if I write that I am a Library professional, possibility of my son's admission may be seriously affected!!)

I am sure that my comments (especially in this joyous occasion) may seem quite distasteful to many of my professional colleagues but as I learnt from my professional experience throughout the last couple of decades is to be loyal & respectful to the profession and to be proud for being a professional in this domain of academia.

I again congratulate all my co-professionals for achieving this commendable feat.


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta

How do we go about acquiring social recognition? what is to be done? How do we change professional image? How should we reorient ourselves?Please suggest.

Dear Siddu,

Thanks for your post and the question you have placed before me.  From my personal experience, I can tell you some steps which we, the LIS Professionals can try.

1. Develop a peer group in your workplace.

2. Make friends with Academic/Research staff at your institution

3. Develop a strong liaison with your Co-Professionals in other institutes

4. Gradually try to understand the fields of interests of your academic colleagues in your workplace and especially the hurdles they are facing in doing Doctoral Research or publishing papers.

5. Use your contacts at other institutes in helping them getting resources if it is not possible for you to deliver them. Little by Little you will develop a dependency amongst them upon you.

6. Be ready to face Occasional Odd requests from the Friends & acquaintances of your academic Colleagues. Help them with an open mind and very cordial approach. it will help spreading news among academic arena about your ability & commitments

6. You will be surprised that you have been taken more cordially and seriously by your Researchers/ Principal/Director/Administrator

7. It may take some years, some time an entire decade but you will see that the faces around you are admiring.

8. Sustain your endeavour and as young colleagues come into service in your department, nurture them as a mentor. You will be able to busk in the warmth of professional satisfaction.

But the very first thing, Keep on reading; and yes, maintain horse sense

Your ability will be widespread.


Siddhartha S. ray, Calcutta

Siddhartha sir,

You  used to post straight comments, I appreciate your views.  you said very well that Librarians are still considered as low educated and clerical person of the society . I thing the old image of librarians are still lingers in the society.

Therefore our designation and  nomenclature must be change.  

Dear Dr. Pachuri,

Honestly speaking,

I have been quite elated to go through your post which has brought us this excellent news.

As a professional I too had faced such derogatory attitudes albeit (fortunately enough!!) quite occasionally. But still today I take such comments extremely seriously!!

Because it is not merely any personal issue, rather it is an insult to an entire community of which I am also a very little part!! 

A decade & a half ago when I was in my early Forties, I once flared up to such comments to one of these so called Faculty members. Fortunately, my credentials had not been bad and as I was not so aged (Matured?) that time & (I must admit that now I realise that I had been sort of Short tempered!!) challenged that individual and demanded apology!!

I had expressed my anguish without any reservation and asked for an Evaluative Committee to check our credentials like, marks in examinations, Number of Publications and Citations received against them, the impact factors of journals where our papers were published, visits abroad and certificates regarding teaching abroad etc.!!

While I am writing this, I am really feeling amused at what I can call my arrogant naivety in those days!! The consequence was serious and many academic staff rushed to intervene to pacify me and diffuse the situation!!

You can well understand my sentiment. I want our professionals to keep their head high in the society and not to undermine themselves. I often hear accusations from many College & University teachers that Librarians are virtually doing nothing but taking such high salary only because of the UGC's policy!! As age bestows maturity, I calmly listen to their accusations and ask very politely some questions which often make them either speechless or admit that they too are not always in positions to justify the salaries they get.

A Librarian can certainly change the mindset of people at their own workplace being a bit more proactive and committed. If one can convince 50% of his/her colleagues in his/her work place, this seemingly uneven battle can be own!!

There is a slogan of the WHO Think Globally; Act locally!! and I am a very strong believer of this slogan!!

Thank you all and once again congratulations for posting the news.


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta

thanks for your valuable post..........


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