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1.       Of the following libraries in India, which one is the oldest library ? - ( (A) Asiatic Society Library, Bombay

2.       "Shodhganga" is a national level repository of: E-Theses

3.       ‘Cornfield Studies’ are an example of : -  Experimental Research

4.       First university to introduce MPhil and PhD in LIS in India : University of Delhi 
The Head Office of IASLIC located at (A) Kolkata 

5.       Who had given the Minimal, Middling and Maximum theories of reference service?- (C) James I Wyer 
CODEN related with - B)Serials

6.       What is Solomon four group design?  Pre- Test – Post Test-

7.       calculation of impact factor: group of 1& 3   1.web of science &   3.scopus

8.       Sciences Citation Index  publisher is : Thomson Reuters.

9.       WIPO is a part of UN

10.    Information power publish by--AASL

11.    The phrase information literacy first appeared in print in a 1974 report by Paul G. Zurkowski.

12.    idiographic hypothesis means  

13.    JANET is the network dedicated to the needs of education and research in the UK.

14.    information filtering means : Block Information

15.    Bulletin Board Service : BLOG.

16.    SCALAR CHAIN means  Authority Structure.

17.    state of the art reports present Technical Aspect.

18.    In KWIC the author Index is WADEX

19.    Students are attracted by the Internet service in Library so they are visiting library frequently, so this is called - dependent variables

20.    AACR 2 the Serials are described in Part A Chap 12

21.    INFLIBNET provides services to all kind of Libraries.......

22.    Radio Frequency Identifier are used in libraries for – Circulation & Security

23.    In wireless connection printer will become slow

24.    Brown Charging System i easy to handle- keep history (record) of Users

25.    Resource Sharing among libraries has become necessity because  i) information explosion ii) cost .........

26.    Who had given the Minimal, Middling and Maximum theories of reference service (D) Samuel Rothstein 

27.    Information Power Publisher is ALA

28.    Roget Thesaurus is Classified manner

29.    TCP/IP is a Internet Protocol

30.    Odd one in ANSI, BIS, BSI, ESPN

31.    BIOS is a booting software

32.    Scale and projections are seen in Geographical Sources

33.    Segmentation associated with Information marketing

34.    Stop word list used in Automated keyword Indexing

35.    Relation between two subject is Phase relation

36.    Redundancy in information is Unwanted source should be eliminated \

37.    Internet filtering is a internet Censorship

38.    Information network for Universities and colleges in UK is JANET

39.    Shodhaganga is E-thesis repositories

40.    First university started a M Phil program IS Delhi University

41.    Head Quters  of ISLIC located at Kolkatta

42.    "Minmal, Middling And Maximum theories given by Samuel Rothestein

43.    Calculation of Impact factor by Web of Knowledge and Scopus

44.    Science citation index was published by Thomson Reuters

45.    WIPO is Unites Nations organizations

46.    Information literacy term coined by P. Zurkonski(1974)

47.    Information Power Published By...........

48.    Bulletin board Service in Internet is Blog

49.    Scalar Chain Means Authority Structure

50.    Students influenced by internt here Student is a dependent Variable

51.    Brown charging system easy to handle and recordable

52.    Information explosion and cost makes resource sharing.

53.    Square bracet []used in AACR2 for other external sources

54.    Vidyanidhi is a Institutional repository

55.    Solomon Four group design is Pretest posttest control group design

56.    Blair and Moron model for Stairs project

57.    Ideographic hypothesis means Individua

58.    Xerography – Electrostatic

59.    Which is a Internet protocol? TCP/IP

60.    File transfer protocol over internet?FTP


1.       Indian Institute of Advanced Study :Shimla

2.       According tor B. R. Ambedkar which of the following Fundamental rights is Heart and Soul of consti.;Ans. Constitutional remedies

3.       Chlorofloro carbons are related to. Gases from AC and Refrigerators

4.       Non-renewable energy sourceAns. Salt

5.       TRP stands forAns. Television ratings Points

6.       DAVP stands forAns. Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity

7.       S&P Waves are related to:Ans:Earthquake

8.       8. irritatation is caused by......ans sulfur dy oxide

9.     9.   non renewable energy source salt

10.   10.  All India Radio renamed in 1936

11.   11.  Quantitative Analysis i.e. data analysis

12.    Inference Engine is available in?Ans. Expert System

13.   13.  district collector system was established by lord carn walish because he was the father of civil services in India

14.    14. abcdef r u sure its c???i think is D

15.     15. TRP stands for Ans. Television ratings Points

16.   16.  DAVP stands for Ans. Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity

17.   17.  Where is the MC College of Mass Communication? Bhopal

18.    Regional centres of NCTE in India Ans.  04

19.    19. ASCII ...ans American Standard Code for Information Interchange

20.    20. tsunami ...........ans natural disasters

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Answer key by UGC ?

I have some confusion regarding some questions. So far my memory goes, i think some question has been misrepresented at this forum, like
23. In wireless connection printer will become slow
The question asked was like.....
In Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) not in wireless connections.....
And Printer will become slow (it was one of the options)

21. INFLIBNET provides services to all kind of Libraries
It think it was: Services offered by the INFLIBNET library (not the INFLIBNET)......

24. Brown Charging System i easy to handle- keep history (record) of Users.
Browne charging system is helpful for small libraries only but no permanent record is possible here.

There are some of my observations, which may or may not correct. Your valuable suggestions will be highly appreciated..

With regards

1.       Of the following libraries in India, which one is the oldest library ? - ( (A) Asiatic Society Library, Bombay

2.       "Shodhganga" is a national level repository of: E-Theses

3.       ‘Cornfield Studies’ are an example of : -  Experimental Research

4.       First university to introduce MPhil and PhD in LIS in India : University of Delhi 
The Head Office of IASLIC located at (A) Kolkata 

5.       Who had given the Minimal, Middling and Maximum theories of reference service?- (C) James I Wyer 
CODEN related with - B)Serials

6.       What is Solomon four group design?  Pre- Test – Post Test-

7.       calculation of impact factor: group of 1& 3   1.web of science &  3.scopus

8.       Sciences Citation Index  publisher is : Thomson Reuters.

9.       WIPO is a part of UN

10.    Information power publish by--AASL

11.    The phrase information literacy first appeared in print in a 1974 report by Paul G. Zurkowski.

12.    idiographic hypothesis means  

13.    JANET is the network dedicated to the needs of education and research in the UK.

14.    information filtering means : Block Information

15.    Bulletin Board Service : BLOG.

16.    SCALAR CHAIN means  Authority Structure.

17.    state of the art reports present Technical Aspect.

18.    In KWIC the author Index is WADEX

19.    Students are attracted by the Internet service in Library so they are visiting library frequently, so this is called - dependent variables

20.    AACR 2 the Serials are described in Part A Chap 12

21.    INFLIBNET provides services to all kind of Libraries.......

22.    Radio Frequency Identifier are used in libraries for – Circulation & Security

23.    In wireless connection printer will become slow

24.    Brown Charging System i easy to handle- keep history (record) of Users

25.    Resource Sharing among libraries has become necessity because  i) information explosion ii) cost .........

26.    Who had given the Minimal, Middling and Maximum theories of reference service (D) Samuel Rothstein 

27.    Information Power Publisher is ALA

28.    Roget Thesaurus is Classified manner

29.    TCP/IP is a Internet Protocol

30.    Odd one in ANSI, BIS, BSI, ESPN

31.    BIOS is a booting software

32.    Scale and projections are seen in Geographical Sources

33.    Segmentation associated with Information marketing

34.    Stop word list used in Automated keyword Indexing

35.    Relation between two subject is Phase relation

36.    Redundancy in information is Unwanted source should be eliminated \

37.    Internet filtering is a internet Censorship

38.    Information network for Universities and colleges in UK is JANET

39.    Shodhaganga is E-thesis repositories

40.    First university started a M Phil program IS Delhi University

41.    Head Quters  of ISLIC located at Kolkatta

42.    "Minmal, Middling And Maximum theories given by Samuel Rothestein

43.    Calculation of Impact factor by Web of Knowledge and Scopus

44.    Science citation index was published by Thomson Reuters

45.    WIPO is Unites Nations organizations

46.    Information literacy term coined by P. Zurkonski(1974)

47.    Information Power Published By...........

48.    Bulletin board Service in Internet is Blog

49.    Scalar Chain Means Authority Structure

50.    Students influenced by internt here Student is a dependent Variable

51.    Brown charging system easy to handle and recordable

52.    Information explosion and cost makes resource sharing.

53.    Square bracet []used in AACR2 for other external sources

54.    Vidyanidhi is a Institutional repository

55.    Solomon Four group design is Pretest posttest control group design

56.    Blair and Moron model for Stairs project

57.    Ideographic hypothesis means Individua

58.    Xerography – Electrostatic

59.    Which is a Internet protocol? TCP/IP

60.    File transfer protocol over internet?FTP


1.       Indian Institute of Advanced Study :Shimla

2.       According tor B. R. Ambedkar which of the following Fundamental rightsis Heart and Soul of consti.;Ans. Constitutional remedies

3.       Chlorofloro carbons are related to. Gases from AC and Refrigerators

4.       Non-renewable energy sourceAns. Salt

5.       TRP stands forAns. Television ratings Points

6.       DAVP stands forAns. Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity

7.       S&P Waves are related to:Ans:Earthquake

8.       8. irritatation is caused by......ans sulfur dy oxide

9.     9.   non renewable energy source salt

10.   10.  All India Radio renamed in 1936

11.   11.  Quantitative Analysis i.e. data analysis

12.    Inference Engine is available in?Ans. Expert System

13.   13.  district collector system was established by lord carn walish because he was the father of civil services in India

14.    14. abcdef r u sure its c???i think is D

15.     15. TRP stands for Ans. Television ratings Points

16.   16.  DAVP stands for Ans. Directorate of Advertising and Visual Publicity

17.   17.  Where is the MC College of Mass Communication? Bhopal

18.    Regional centres of NCTE in India Ans.  04

19.    19. ASCII ...ans American Standard Code for Information Interchange

20.    20. tsunami ...........ans natural disasters

21.    2,6,12,20,30,42,56....ans- 72

some of question's ans is wrong and duplicate.



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