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Z39.50 is an American National Standard for Information Retrival. It is prepared by National Information Standard Organization (NISO). Z39.50 Protocol defines now one system can cooperate with another system for the purpose of searching databases & recieving records the standard specifies formats and procedures governing the exchange of messages between a client and server.

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Z39.50 is a client-server protocol established as a NISO standard that allows the computer user to query a remote information retrieval system using the software of the local system and receive results in the format of the local system, often used in portal and gateway products to search several sources simultaneously and integrate the results.
Dear Mr. Vipin Kumar,

Z39.50 is an American national standard for information retrieval. It is formally known as ANSI/NISO Z39.50-1995 - Information Retrieval (Z39.50): Application Service Definition and Protocol Specification. This document specifies a set of rules and procedures for the behaviour of two systems communicating for the purposes of database searching and information retrieval. As a network application standard, Z39.50 is an open standard that enables communication between systems that run on different hardware and use different software.
The Z39.50 standard was developed to overcome the problems associated with multiple database searching such as having to know the unique menus, command language, and search procedures of each system accessed. Z39.50 simplifies the search process by making it possible for a searcher to use the familiar user interface of the local system to search both the local library catalogue as well as any remote database system that support the standard.

The latest edition of Z39.50 was approved in 1995 by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO), the only organization accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) to approve and maintain standards for information services, libraries and publishers.

Z39.50 is also recognized world-wide and will soon become an international standard replacing the Search and Retrieve (SR) Standard approved by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in 1991. The new ISO Standard will be known as ISO 23950.

if any clarification Kindly free to mail us

with best wishes

Mohd Asif Khan
Z39.50 is a standard way for two computers to communicate for the purpose of information retrieval. Z39.50 makes it easier to use large information databases by standardizing the procedures and features for searching and retrieving information. Specifically, Z39.50 supports information retrieval in a distributed, client and server environment where a computer operating as a client submits a search request (i.e., a query) to another computer acting as an information server. Software on the server performs a search on one or more databases and creates a result set of records that meet the criteria of the search request. The server returns records from the result set to the client for processing. The power of Z39.50 is that it separates the user interface on the client side from the information servers, search engines, and databases. Z39.50 provides a consistent view of information from a wide variety of sources, and it offers client implementors the capability to integrate information from a range of databases and servers
Z39.50 is an information retrival protocol it allow client application query database on remote srevers to retrieve results and carry out some other typical retrival relate information.
it defines a standard way for two computers to communicate for the purpose of information retrieval it makes the large information database easier by standardizing the proceduresand features for searching and retrieving information.It provides a consistant view ofinformation from a vide range of servers and offers the capability of integrating information from a large number of databases and server.

Please send me the Z39.50 server configuration of Indian publication books for searching books.

My mail ID is

Thanks with Regards.


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