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New Book release entitle " Getting started with Information Technology:Practice & Application"


Dr. Ravikant Deshpande  Librarian Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur

Book Entitled " Getting started  with Information Technology:Practice & Application"written by Dr. Ravikant Deshpande & Co-author by Bharti Rahangale, Ranjana Bhoskar has been released on Librarian's Day  12 Aug. 2015 . The book has been published by Ess Ess Publication, New Delhi having ISBN No. 978-81-7000-749-4.

The jacket of the book and book review is attache with this.

Book Review
Deshpande, R. M., Rahangdale, B.P. ,Bhoskar, R. D. (2015) Getting Started With Information Technology: Practice & Applications, Nagpur: Ess Ess Publications.310p. ISBN-978-81-7000-749-4
The information technology is a boon for the present century. It is the combination of several technologies and systems. In fact, it is the technology of technologies. Today, the information generated at the global level is flowing through information superhighways. New knowledge would get disseminated at the global level. The use of IT helps us to provide specialized, user oriented prompt library & information product and services efficiently and effectively. The advent and development of computers and communication technology have revolutionized the modes and methods of information storage, retrieval and dissemination. The evolution of digital age has prompted many changes in the library information services.
The book under review had discussed in detail, the current technologies and issues such as library automation, digital library applications and management, RFID technologies, user orientation, digital resources management and knowledge management, cloud computing etc. The book is the outcome of great efforts done by the authors. The author Dr. R. M. Deshpande (VNIT Librarian) who is prolific writer, dedicated researcher and dynamic library professional has done an excellent job to compile this book. He is very senior person in the field of library and information science. He has introduced various technologies such as Library Automation, Digital Library & RFID technology in VNIT Nagpur. His area of interest and study are customer care, digitization of local resources, cloud computing and emerging technologies in the field of library and information science. Automation of VNIT Library is the outcome of the author’s experiences, learning and great efforts in his field which has been an inspiration for the professionals belonging to the same field.
For review purpose we can divide this book into two parts. The first part discusses in detail the information communication technology (ICT) practice and their related terms in the field of library & information science. The second part of the book is related to the practical application of technologies in various NIT’S especially in VNIT.
ICT Applications, skills and challenges faced by present libraries are discussed in chapters1 to3 which are useful to overcome newer, challenging and complex demands of users. Various learning and innovation skills, Information, media and technology skills, Life and career skills and 21st century skills are discussed in detail in ‘Information Skills’. User Orientation in context of library is well explained with user oriented traditional library services and User oriented technological based services in next chapter.
Digital Resources Management and Electronic Resources management are explained with its need ,use and advantages along with skills and knowledge required for operating digital environment Digital environment of library is well studied and brought out in some of the chapters which will help the readers to get acquainted with 21st century libraries. Knowledge Management System and Content Management System in E Libraries are covered in the Chapter (6). E-library management is based on knowledge management (KMS) & content management (CMS) systems. Two types of knowledge i.e. Tacit and Explicit, pillars and elements of knowledge management, E-library management system and content management system software have been explained in detailed.
Hypothesis Formulation, one of the most preliminary steps in research helps in formulating research problem is explained in next chapter. A hypothesis is a speculative statement that is subjected to verification through a research study. A good hypothesis is very useful aid to organise the research effort. Security, the most important issue handled by various field, discussed in chapter (8) in context of library. It included detailed description of RFID system along with their advantages and disadvantages. Close circuit Television, Electro Magnetics Security using 3M Tattle Tapes are also described.
Entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship are effectively enforcing the library activity to modernize the services and to overcome the problems, LIS professionals must possesses the Entreprenuership skill which are very innovative and for getting the successful result. This concept is very deeply explained in chapter (9). Consortium, which is an essential tool to cope up with ever increasing demands of library users, is also well explained giving example of INDEST-AICTE Consortium along with the list of consortia at international and national level.
A brief description of practical applications of ICT in VNIT is covered in chapter 11, 12, 13 & 15 in the context of SWOT Analysis, Implementation of RFID, Return on Investment (ROI) and quality management. Most significant concept of information literacy is discussed in detailed along with information literacy standards and indicators, need for ICT based information literacy programme, components of ICT literacy in chapter (17)
Major contribution of DR. S. R. Ranganathan in LIS field is discussed and its importance in digital scenario is explained. Dr. S. R. Ranganathan’s most notable contributions to the field were his five laws of library science and the development of the first major analytico-synthetic classification system, the colon classification. He is considered to be the father of library science, documentation, and information science in India and is widely known throughout the rest of the world for his fundamental thinking in the field.
In chapter (20), author focused three issues related to accreditation for quality assurance in higher education. Accreditation plays a vital role in higher education. Objectives, functions, procedure and benefits of accreditation are discussed briefly in this chapter. Importance of copyright in context of digitization is also covered in this book. The concept of visual thesaurus is explained at the end of the book.
‘From Author’s Desk’ given at the beginning is authors view about the necessity of bringing out the book. One of the very important features of this product is the detailed ‘content list’ with title and subtitles from each chapters giving outline of the knowledge present in it. It is also supported with Bibliography for reader’s guidance for more references .Book proves to be very useful to LIS Professionals and students. Considering the durability aspect, the physical form of the book has been maintained in hardbound, kept simple with jacket cover, good paper quality and readable font size. This work provides important insights of presents libraries and digital era skills and challenges.
The book has been reviewed by Ms Deepali Chandle and Ms Poonam Harode, working in LIS profession with the authors in VNIT, Nagpur.

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    please inform me to more uses of this books.i want to new

 information for IT for help for UGC-NET examination. please send me a message.

Dear sir

Thanks for giving this preview of so imp. book . i want to purchage this book pls tell me the cost and procedure to get it by post from the publisher 

Shobha Jakher

Asst. Librarian

Saraswati Mahila College 

Palwal, Haryana


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