At the moment a lot of discussions going on questioning the existence of web 2.0 and comparison with web 1.0. I have try to distinguish the earlier version of web also termed as web 1.0 and web 2.0 on the basis of the following attributes
Differences are as follows:
Web 1.0 and...
1.Static web pages Dynamic Web pages
2.Non Interactive participation Active Participation of the user
3. Content published by the owner only Opens contents to be used & reused
4. Not updated frequently Updated quite often.
Web 2.0..
1. Dynamic Web pages
2. Active Participation of the user
3. Opens contents to be used & reused
4. Updated quite often
you can understand better understand from below images:
Web 1.0:
1. The web experts call it Read-Only
2. Userโs role is limited only to reading the information presented to him.
3. The best examples are millions of static websites.
Web 2.0:
1. active interaction of common user
2. Read-Write-Publish actively interact & contribute to the web using
3. Webs 2.0 are Bogs, Twitter, YouTube, eZineArticles, Flickr, Facebook and every social networking portal.