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Dear all,

One of employee of my organization donated a three volumes book in 2011. Now he is asking back the said volumes of book. He is no longer associated with our organization.

Please suggest the appropriate procedure to return the book, so that it will not create any problem in future either in audit or in stack verification.

Please note: book is very costly and rare.

Thanks in anticipation!


Ram Laut Tyagee

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Dear Sri Tyagi,

Thanks for your post which however, elicits quite an uncommon issue. You see, donating materials to an institution is not a child's play. Once a book is donated to library, can not be taken back. I have not heard of such issue in my entire service life spanning over three decades! Any book entered into stock is subjected to Audit verification. So to remain in the safe side, ask the gentleman to apply in writing stating reasons for withdrawal and produce it to the Audit people and if they have no objection, If they have no objection and so also your authority, then the book can be returned back and please mention the Audit & Authority's remarks in the remarks coloumn of the Accession Register.


Siddhartha S. Ray

Thank you sir for very valuable  information .

Dear Sir

It is very rare and interesting issue. Generally no one ask the donation back if they have offered for noble cause. If you have policy document stating about the donation then go through with the policy. If not then explain this story with your competent authority and let the Committee take decision and recommend what to do. By the way, this issue is not considerable means the particular book can't be returned, either library committee recommend to weed out the book. Auditor may ask the particular book and might not. Since that particular book does not belong to Institute fund (for this dilemma consult your internal auditor). But the core issue is that the book has become part of collection means all the rules - regulations are equally applied on same book also. 

Only the thing remains with you to do, 'Library committee recommendation' and approval of the decision of committee for further actions, either to give book back or to deny. Each books in library has its own and equal value irrespective of their prices. 

Thank You.

Thanks Siddhartha Sir and Munesh bhai, for valuable suggestion and guidance. I am putting the issue with management with suggestions.

one more thing what legal way he can take if our management denied to return the book.   

Thank you.

It is very difficult to say about the actions and reactions but do not worry nothing will go wrong. 

Thank You.


Dear Tyagee,

it's a rare case. But, as a librarian, we have to face such type of issues. 

First, the librarian like you have to receive a letter from the head of Institution for accepting the return back the donated volumes.

then prepare the list of books which are donated by him.

and get the acceptance letter from the concerned person.

It must be recorded on the accession register in the remarks column

The letters must be filed in the stock verification file for further reference.

In your stock verification report it must be recorded like acc no. 41000 to 42152

has been returned to the contributor.

But, there is no legal issues connected with it.

In future, When we get the donation like this. we should get assurance letter for our safe.



thanks Dr Renganathan, for your suggestion.
nice idea of assurance letter.

He had donated when he was a staff.

Now he is not a staff.

So, forget him.


Yes majumder,

It's right. but, as a library professional we have to satisfy the readers whether they are 

belongs to our institution or other group. that may be one of the ethics of our duty.

We may explain our position in order to what way we may help the readers.

that's all.

I agree to you
we must show professionalism

our internal auditor is also in no favour to return book so I am thinking the amicable way to close the matter.

Actually this is thing to be done for this case. This could have done, once he approached to take the book back. 


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