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Dear members, it's time that people working in libraries or somehow are effected by changes in the library services are provided with up to date information about cutting edge technology introduced in a present day library. So here are few takes to spin your own pottery to fill it with your innovative ideas.

1. Library makerspace

2. e- requisition slip

3. Digital signboard system

More will follow later

Views: 1100

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Dear sir,

Please tell about the digital singboard system

Dear Sir,

Please go to the links below for a comprehensive DIY about Digital Signage for library.

1st a success story

2nd DIY using open source Xibo

Dear Sri Ranjit K. Rajbangshi,

Thank you for your post. 

The things you have mentioned are new to me.

Will you please explain their advantages over and above what we usually do. Like say use of Printed Requisition slips (except that we can have an electronic record).

And what about their cost/benefit ratio? As you can understand that to introduce any new  system, we need to explain their utilities and a cost/benefit statement for getting approval from the Authority.


Siddhartha S. Ray

Dear Sri Siddharth S. Ray,

I'm obliged having your attention to value- added services that can be put to use in a library by harnessing technology tools. In an integrated resources environment, the library has but to rely heavily on technology to add value to its services.

The cost- benefit analysis (I'm narrowing it to mean ' direct benefit effects', to reduce its gamut) will take into account, the cost of getting it installed and running; and post installation record of the gate counts/transaction counts of the library that embraces it.Such technology helps libraries shift their energy from paying too much attention to information packaging to knowledge factoring for creating a research and study environment in the library which is witnessing a dwindling user interest for the library as a ' place in space'.   

Dear Sri Rajbanshi,

Frank Flintoff, from Records & Archive Management Services of Edith Cowan University is working on a Proect which will include a case study of a number of Library Makerspaces.In order to collect data for the case study volunteers are invited to contribute to an anonymous survey about their library makerspace. In case you are interested to participate in the survey,I can send you the contact details 


Siddhartha S. Ray



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