Dear Sir/Madam,
It gives us immense pleasure to inform you that, the Library and information Science Professionals’ Association (LISPA) a leading organization for Library and Information Science Professionals in Assam has decided to publish its Research based Peer Reviewed Bi-annual “LISPA Journal” (vol. II, ISSN 2454-1591) on the 12th August 2016 in connection with the auspicious Librarians Day.
Therefore, research based articles are invited from the Academicians, Research Scholars, Students, Library Professionals etc. written in Times New Roman 12 point font, single space within 3000 words Full Paper and 200 words abstracts with APA style of bibliographic description covering broad areas of higher education related with Library and Information Science & Information Technology fields etc.
Articles should be sending to the following E-mail address on or before 20th of June 2016
With warm regards.
President / Secretary
Library and information Science Professionals’ Association
Phone No:9435646830, 9435475369, 9954434401
e-mail :,,