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Hi Sir,
I am Abhinav Kumar Srivastav working in Delhi. Sir i configure Dspace on Window machine. i face some problem
1. when administrator is going to approve any submission item it give "Internal Error" like stack error etc.
2. when i register as new user it give eroor "Internal System Error
3. when i submmit any collection its giving error "Internal System Error
The system has experienced an internal error. Please try to do what you were doing again, and if the problem persists, please contact us so we can fix the problem.
Sir, Kindly help me for solving the above problem
it is OS or installation problem.
try once again
with regards,
I have installed Dspace through libliveDVD. successfully built our collection in Dspace.
generally I do, stop tomcat then modify jsp page then restart tomcat. I am sending my Dspace customization paper.
with regads,
hi sir,
i want to customise my dspace as per ur dspace screen which in ur document but i have some prblm in css. How to set navigation menu in left side on the screen. Pls help me.
with regards,
Hi sir,
pls help me how to open xmlui dspace in mobile view and how to customize xmlui.
Thanks & Regards,
Abhinav Kumar Srivastav
we are using dspace 4.2. I edited footer-deault.jsp. in this file I find copyright then change the text. then restart tomcat.
Full Refresh/Rebuild: (Completely refresh all of DSpace)
Log on to the server DSpace is running on (e.g. ssh). Make sure to log in as the user who initially installed DSpace!
Open a command prompt (if you don't have one already), and cd [dspace-source]/dspace/
mvn clean package (removes all old compiled code and recompiles all DSpace code and rebuilds the DSpace installation package)
cd [dspace-source]/dspace/target/dspace-[version]-build.dir/ (move into the target directory where DSpace has been rebuilt)
ant update (updates your DSpace install based on the newly built content in your targetdirectory)
Alternatively, if you do not need to reinstall JAR files, you could instead run ant update_webapps (which just copies over web application changes to your [dspace])
If you do not have Tomcat pointing at your [dspace]/webapps/ directory, you will also need to copy your final web application(s) into your [Tomcat]/webapps/directory.
cp -R [dspace]/webapps/ [Tomcat]/webapps/
(For Mac OS X Server) cp build/*.war /library/jboss/3.2/deploy
To force Tomcat to recompile everything, you may also wish to remove any DSpace related web application directories created in [Tomcat]/work/Catalina/localhost
Start Tomcat
(Linux / OS X / Solaris) [Tomcat]/bin/
(Mac OS X Server) Use Server Admin to start Tomcat ("Application Server")
(Windows) Use Tomcat Service Monitor (in Notification Area) to start Tomcat
Test your changes in DSpace
with regards,
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