First and Largest Academic Social Network of LIS Professionals in India
About the Directory: The “Directory of Library and Information Science Professionals in Assam” includes contact details of 399 Library and Information Science (LIS) degree holders who are working on any positions (permanent / contractual / ad-hoc) on full time basis in the Library and Information Science field of any institute / organization within the geographic location of Assam or who are working elsewhere but having a permanent residence in Assam. The retired LIS professionals are also included under the name of the institute from which they retired. The contact detail includes the official address and address of residence along with personal mobile number and Email Id.
All the entries in the directory are arranged in the alphabetical order considering the forename first. As far as possible, we tried to provide the full forename but when it was not available, it is listed in the abbreviated form. To ease the retrieval process, the institute-wise index is provided in the last portion of the directory that will direct the user to the serial number in the alphabetical list of “Directory of Library and Information Science Professionals in Assam”.
Request for Donation: Kindly note that your generous contribution / donation will enable us to recover the cost of the present publication and will motivate us us to bring the new edition. As a gesture of goodwill we will include the name of each contributing person in the upcoming edition of the directory. You can contribute the amount in cash to Mr. Badan Barman or can transferred the amount electronically or deposit it to Name: Badan Barman, Account No.: 20001479661, Bank: State Bank of India, Branch: Gauhati University, IFS Code SBIN0002060. While making the payment electronically, in the remark column, kindly include your mobile number so that we can track your details.
How to Receive a Copy of the Directory: The print copy of the directory can be collected from Dr. Badan Barman, Assistant Professor, Department of Library and Information Science, Gauhati University, Guwahati-781014, Assam or if you are residing in a distance we can also send the copy by way of speed post to your official address. If you want the copy of the directory through speed post, you are requested kindly to pay the postal charges in advance to the above account number.
Kindly note that the request for the Directory will not be entertained after 30th September, 2017.
Existing Donors
18/9/2017 - Mrs. Tuhina Choudhury - Rs. 500.00
21/9/2017 - Ms. Prema Devi - Rs. 500.00
22/9/2017 - Dr. Bhupendra Nath Sarma - Rs. 500.00
22/9/2017 - Mr. Sanjib Deka - Rs. 500.00
25/9/2017 - Mr. Britanjoy Basumatary - Rs. 500.00
13/12/2017 - Dr. Jnyandeep Saikia - Rs. 500.00
14/12/2017 - Mr. Abdul Jalil - Rs. 500.00
16/9/2017 - Mrs. Shikha Basak - Rs. 300.00
17/9/2017 - Mr. Biswajit Kalita - Rs. 200.00
18/9/2017 - Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha - Rs. 200.00
18/9/2017 - Mr. Tonmay Sabhapandit - Rs. 200.00
20/9/2017 - Ms. Rashmi Rekha Gogoi - Rs. 200.00
20/9/2017 - Dr. Bobby Goswami Baruah - Rs. 200.00
21/9/2017 - Mr. Nitul Barman - Rs. 200.00
22/9/2017 - Ms. Bonti Bora - Rs. 200.00
22/9/2017 - Dr. Kishor Sarma - Rs. 200.00
22/9/2017 - Mr. Gagan Thakuria - Rs. 200.00
25/9/2017 - Dr. Jyotirekha Bhattacharyya - Rs. 200.00
5/10/2017 - Mr. Pallab Kumar Goswami - Rs. 200.00
9/10/2017 - Mr. Narender Pal - Rs. 200.00
12/12/2017 - Dr. Gouri Sankar Karmakar - Rs. 200.00
Unknown Donation - Rs. 200.00
30/10/2017 - Ms. Rosy Chakraborty - Rs. 150.00
15/9/2017 - Ms. Maitreyee Deka - Rs. 100.00
15/9/2017 - Mr. Kumar Machahary - Rs. 100.00
20/9/2017 - Mr. Nisangka Choudhury - Rs. 100.00
22/9/2017 - Ms. Dibika Basumatary - Rs. 100.00
9/10/2017 - Mr. Shaikhong Basumatary - Rs. 100.00
11/10/2017 - Dr. Nirmal Ranjan Mazumdar - Rs. 100.00
Total Cost that Need to be Recovered: Rs. 14,600/-
Dear Rankawat, It involves too much effort and too much cost. As an individual its not possible on my part. Only a formal organization can think of doing such kind of job.
Dear Sir,
Congratulations for making LIS of ASSAM in a series.
you have been making directories and professionals at various levels and regions. I would request your to make a website of entire library professionals with their primary bio-data to have them available. Willingly people can can themselves or can be added by admins.
Thank you.
Dear M.Kumar Please send Dspace Guideline
Plz initiate the work for all states too
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Your Work is Nice
Congratulations for making LIS of ASSAM .
I want UGC Interview Questions How to explain ans
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