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An Oversight Committee was constituted vide MHRD order No. F33-2/2012-TS.III dated 8th September 2015 under the Chairmanship of Dr. Ajay K. Sharma, Director, NIT Delhi and Shri Navin Soi, Retired Director IFD, MHRD and Shri K. N. Sharma, Retired Section Officer, DOP & T as member. Recommendations of Oversight Sight Committee for Removal of Anomalies of Non-Teaching Staff and Revised Recruitment Rules (RRs) for Non-Teaching in the NITs can be located Here.

The points that need attention are highlighted below

It is recommended that while the salary of existing incumbents may not be disturbed but at the time of next promotion they should be promoted to the next appropriate Grade Pay i.e. An Assistant Librarian in the AGP of Rs.6000/- on completion of 5 years regular service will move to GP of Rs.6600/- and new incumbents will be appointed with appropriate Grade Pays only. Suitably revised RRs have also been recommended.

Assistant Librarian at GP of Rs.5400/-: After 5 years the incumbent will automatically move to the higher Grade pay of Rs.6600/- and after 5 years of regular service in GP of Rs.6600/- will be considered for the post of Deputy Librarian with GP of Rs.7600/- and after 5 years the incumbent will automatically move to the higher Grade pay of Rs.8700/- in PB-4. 10 Years as Deputy Librarian out of which at least 5 years being spent on a post in PB-4 ~ with Grade pay of Rs.8700/-or an equivalent post will be promoted to the post of Librarian of GP of Rs.10000/-(Open Selection Post)

7th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Council of National Institutes of Technology (NITs) held under the Chairmanship of Professor (Mrs) Geetha Bali, Chairperson, Board of Governors, MANIT- Bhopal on 23rd November, 2016 in MHRD office (F.No.34-1/2015-TS.III) circulated the recommendations among all NITS and 15 days period were given to submit the comments. Minutes is Here

The Office Order No. F.33-2/2012-TS.III dated 20th December, 2017 from Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India sent the Recommendations of Oversight Sight Committee for Removal of Anomalies of Non-teaching Staff and Revised Recruitment Rules (RRs) for Non-Teaching in the NITs for Implementation to the Director of All National Institute of Technology (NITs). The Office Order can be located Here. Kindly go through page No. 8-10 and 49-54.

Points to be Noted: Changing the Grade Pay is not an issue of only downgrading the Grade Pay. Its the issue of moving the Library Staff which are otherwise treated as Academic to Non-Academic / Administrative. Most probably the MHRD putting emphasis to put the Assistant Librarian, Deputy Librarian and Librarian inline with Assistant Register, Deputy Register and Register where even UGC NET, Ph.D. are not required.

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This is a grave news for all the library professionals.

I am afraid, gradually it may engulf the Library professionals under UGC as well. The College Librarians will be the prime victims. It will discourage them to go for Doctoral Degrees & sit for NET Examinations (as it will no longer be mandatory as appears from the notification) just as the  College Librarians lost interest in attending Seminars. Never-the-less, it is no wonder that gradually the pay scales of College Librarians may be downgraded to those of Library Assistants or Sr. Library Assistants.


Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta

This is very bad news for all the Library Science Professional. Indian Library Association should take necessary steps in this regard.

Good news for those who has been struggling to qualify the UGC NET Exam.This type of criteria applicable only NIT section not in general degree college. 

Prakash Singh,

First, you understand the whole scenario then show your happiness. Don't talk for a person or group of persons who can't read to qualify an Exam. Its big threat to the Library Profession in India.

good feed back

You are free to think in your own line. However, if it will be implemented across all universities and colleges it will move the profession upside down and downside up. Tomorrow you may see a post of Assistant Librarian is vacant because the Principal's son studying the MLISc.

Instead of looking for others to act, I think from LIS Links we can submit a memorandum.

This would be befitting decision, Sir. We(NIT Librarians) have started the march. We are also approaching ILA, IASLIC, entire Library Professional Association and  Consortiums to take a required step in to.

This would be great/required help if LISLink could forward its concrete representation since we(LISLinks) are the biggest and one & only body which has a unique target, "Growth of LIS".

Sir, we must take some necessary action ASAP.

Thank you.


Kindly draft a memorandum highlighting why we were given academic grade pay previously (this was not an error but the result of a carefull thought), the importance of Librarians in students life and promotion of reading and acquiring knowledge, the consecuencies of this negative move and so on. I think Siddhartha Shankar Ray sir going to help us regarding this. Today due to a personal issue I am at home and accessing and commenting from my mobile phone. Tomorrow I will incorporate another question in the profile section of LIS Links and among the LIS Links members those who agree to us we will send their name, Email, state as a digital signature below the memorandum later on. 

Sure Sir,

I will also update you with the documents as well. 
Thank you.

Indian Library Association is believed to be a defunct organisation. ILA doesn't have any potential to pursue even a small issue with the Govt of India. 

Sir ILA or other association/bodies is headed by or composition of mostly very eminent professional, knowledge experts but are retired (in terms of employment), having manifold work. There is no inclusion or any committee/subcommittee exists with youth or the young peoples(facing problems).


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