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Followings are the problems we the Librarians face in our day to day life. There are ambiguities in the Indian statute of copyright regarding certain cases. Therefore, Experts' suggestions are needed on the following points. Besides that if you are facing any other issue due to the copyright please share and make us aware as well.
Dear Ms. Kankana Badan,
Thanks for your post.
I am replying on the basis of your numbered queries:
Q1. As you know storing of copyrighted material in any form is infringement of copyright Act. Still, iIf you can make arrangement that the scanned copy can not be downloaded/printed and remain as "Read Only" material, I think, it will be acceptable on the ground of "Fair Use"
Q2. Copying "Major Portion" of a book is infringement. At the most, you can copy 30% of a work.
Q3. Certainly you can. It will NOT be violation of copyright provided there is no monetary dealings.
I hope I could explain the issue.
Siddhartha S. Ray, Calcutta
Thank you so much sir for your valuable suggestions. I am agree to your suggestions no.1 and 3. But regarding point no. 2, there is ambiguity in indian copyright law about how much portion is replicable. However, Delhi University photocopy case has alowed to compile course packs of high cost books if its has limited copies available in a Library
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